

This mesher takes a pre-existing boundary set and creates interface elements (e.g. debonding) at that location. The mesher can be used either between a boundary set and an existing node set, which assumes that bset and nset are not actually connected, or by using a boundary set only, where additional nodes will be inserted to make an interface condition.


The command has the following syntax:

**create_interface_elements \(~\,\) *boundary bset-name \(~\,\) [ *elset elset-name ] \(~\,\) [ *nset nset-name ] \(~\,\) [ *axi ] \(~\,\) [ *reduced ]


flag that the interface elements are axisymmetric. Default is not axisymmetric.


indicates the boundary set from which to create interface elements. There will be 1 interface element per boundary segment in the set.


gives the name of the elset to create with the new interface elements. If this command is not included the name interface will be used for a new elset.


indicates the opposing node set name. This option indicates that the mesh is already disconnected at the interface.


flag indicating reduced integration. Default is full integration.