

This command transforms c3d10 elements (quadratic tetrahedral with 5 integration points) to c3d10_4 elements (reduced quadratic tetrahedral with 4 integration points).


The command has the following syntax:


In practice, this command simply changes the element name, from c3d10 into c3d10_4. See also set_reduced.


This command performs the reverse transformation, i.e. convert c3d10_4 into c3d10 elements. It has the following syntax:




This command transforms c3d13 elements (quadratic pyramidal with 6 integration points) into c3d13_8 elements (quadratic pyramidal with 8 integration points [U2]).


c3d13 and c3d13_8 have different node ordering.


Fig. 8 quadratic pyramidal element with 8 integration points (c3d13_8).#


Fig. 9 quadratic pyramidal element with 6 integration points (c3d13).#


The command has the following syntax:



This command performs the reverse transformation, i.e. convert c3d13_8 into c3d13 elements. It has the following syntax:
