Getting started#
Z-set is a comprehensive software package offering a range of CAE tools, including both stand-alone computational methods and integration modules for major commercial solvers. It allows for seamless mesh translation between solvers, provides a unified graphical interface for viewing results, and supports advanced material behavior simulations with detailed constitutive models. Additionally, Z-set facilitates post-processing, whether through batch or graphical analysis, and enables the transfer of results between solvers. The package also includes a specialized module for crack propagation, Z-cracks, which can be coupled with leading finite element solvers such as Zebulon, Abaqus, Ansys, Samcef, and Code_Aster.
Using Z-set as a common platform for material modeling and development across different FEA codes is highly beneficial. In many cases, the material models have a greater impact on nonlinear FEA results than any other factor. When using the same Z-mat material model, results from different solvers typically align with high precision, provided the same basic element framework is selected. Moreover, Z-set’s solver offers added flexibility and convenience for preparing material applications. Features like specialized boundary conditions, RVE elements, :math: FE^2 and methods make it an efficient choice for development, which can then be seamlessly transferred to production environments such as ABAQUS and ANSYS 1Acknowledging the possibility that while Z-set may be suitable as a production FEA code, there often exists a higher-level decision-making process for choosing one code over another..
As Zebulon has expanded to encompass a wide range of applications, the software is now licensed under the name Z-set, a suite of various Z-tools designed to work together. Customized configurations of modules can be licensed and activated using licensing tokens within an encrypted floating or node-locked license management system.
However, we recommend two primary configurations: one for Z-mat, intended for users of other FEA codes, and another for Z-set, which includes the Zebulon FEA solver. Aside from the distinction between the solvers used for FEA problems, all other features remain the same.
Users have access to the same constitutive models and preprocessing tools across both configurations 2Of course the native capabilities are most fully implemented. For use with any of the different interfaces there are limitations dictated by the different code capabilities..
Z-mat (with extensions for Abaqus, Ansys, Samcef, FORGE®, etc.) is now unified with Zebulon (equivalent version) and includes some new features. This unification is significant because it allows user-developed material plugins to be simultaneously built for both Z-mat and Zebulon. Additionally, it streamlines project management and quality assurance testing, enabling faster development and the delivery of higher-quality products.
User projects
Some re-organization of the user-development aspects of the code have
also been implemented. As always, look in the $Z7PATH/User_project/
directory for a template user project for the current release. The
project is now split up into the following simplified libraries:
User projects and the ZebFront language are now described in the separate Developer manual.
Platforms The full Z-set package is available for both Linux x86/x64 and Microsoft Windows (64-bit). However, certain characteristics of the software’s functionality on Windows differ from its behavior on Linux due to the inherent differences between the operating systems. These distinctions are highlighted throughout this documentation.