

This command creates a node set according to various input data. If the node set already exists, new nodes will simply be added. Nodes will be included in the set only once.


**nset name \(~\,\) [ *axes axis1  axis2  axis3 ] \(~\,\) [ *function function ; ] \(~\,\) [ *limit epsilon ] \(~\,\) [ *nodes node1 … nodeN ] \(~\,\) [ *plane \(n_1\)  \(n_2\)  \(n_3\)  intercept ] \(~\,\) [ *point [nearest] \(p_1\)  \(p_2\)  \(p_3\) ] \(~\,\) [ *find_closest ] \(~\,\) [ *sequence start_id  end_id [ increment ] ] \(~\,\) [ *surface ] \(~\,\) [ *type cartesian | cylindrical ] \(~\,\) [ *use_bset bset1  …  bsetN ] \(~\,\) [ *use_elset eset1  …  esetN ] \(~\,\) [ *use_nset nset1  …  nsetN ]


switches the axes defining a cylindrical coordinate system when using the *plane selection. An example is *axes 1 3 2 where the cylinder is rotated about the \(2\) axis instead of the default \(3\)-rd axis.


creates a nset using the nodes which satisfy the given function.

*limit epsilon

specifies the precision for nodes to qualify to be accepted by a plane function or a point position (because the values are never exactly the same due to numerical noise). The default value is \(10^{-3}\).

*nodes node1 … nodeN

adds specific (existing) node numbers from the mesh to the nset (probably useful with **add_node). Non-existing nodes will be silently ignored.


makes an nset given a plane equation (4 real values). The first three values are the components of the plane normal, and the fourth is the intercept (or its equivalent for cylindrical coordinates).

*point \(p_1\)  \(p_2\)  \(p_3\)

adds existing node having the given coordinates and those within a radius of epsilon. Add the keyword nearest if you only want the nearest node to be added.


Add the closest node to a point or a plane.


will add a sequence of nodes with ids from start_id to end_id with increment increment (Z-set 8.4 and newer). The latter can be negative, but in that case, start_id should be greater than end_id. If this is not the case, -increment will be used instead. If increment is omitted, a default value of 1 is used. Non-existing node ids generated with this command will be silently ignored.


indicates that the set should be an outer bounding surface of the acceptable nodes (see also unshared_faces).

*type cartesian | cylindrical

sets the type of coordinate system to be used with the *plane option. Default is cartesian.

*use_bset bset1 … bsetN

apply the nset command to only those nodes in the given boundary sets.

*use_elset eset1 … esetN

apply the nset command to only those nodes in given element sets (or *elset).

*use_nset nset1 … nsetN

apply the nset command to only those nodes in the named node sets.


Some example uses follow.

**nset ring1 *elset ring1 *plane 0. 1. 0. 4.   % nodes in y=4

**nset fix   *point 20. 0. 0.                  % single point

**nset r=20                                    % the outer radius
 *limit 1.e-3                                  % of a part at R=20
 *type cylindrical                             % with some allowance for
 *plane 1. 0. 0. 20.                           % numerical errors

% These switch the cylindrical axes to be axis 2
**nset t=10      *axes 1 3 2 *type cylindrical *plane 0. 1. 0. 20.
**nset t=m10     *axes 1 3 2 *type cylindrical *plane 0. 1. 0. 0.

% Interpreted functions are perhaps the most useful .. see
**nset fix-func *function (z==0.0)*(y>=0.0);