This mesher is used to provide a per-elset exploded view of a mesh, which can be useful for presentation purposes. Because this mesher adds nodes between elset interfaces, the display of .ctnod
results files will be invalidated (including the displacements), and there is no checking to that regard 1actually the record sizes will be interpreted incorrectly, and the results loaded are therefore a randomized mix of values. No crash occurs however..
[ *elsets
elset-list ]
[ *elset_starts_with
prefix-list ]
[ *shrink
factor ]
list of elsets used as domains to separate. By default, all elsets are used, which can lead to bad result.
list of elsets to separate, whose names start with the given prefixes.
specify the factor used to separate different parts of the mesh. The new nodes position is computed as \(\underline{v}'= \underline{v} + f\cdot(\underline{e} - \underline{c})\) with \(\underline{v}\) and \(\underline{v}'\) are, respectively, the initial and final node positions, \(0<f<1\) is the shrinking factor, \(\underline{c}\) is the center of the mesh, and \(\underline{e}\) is the center of the elset.
The first example shows an exploded view of a cube:
***mesh explode_cube.geof
*size 1.
*ncut 2
*elset_cut 2
*shrink .5
One can use this mesher after a calculation has been performed to separate the mesh, then re-assign the visualization mesh in the problem.ut
file. The following splits the 2 elset problem zsteel_rubber
found in the static test directory:
***mesh toto
**open zsteel_rubber.geof
*elsets acier rubber
*elset_name acier
*x -20.0
*y -20.0
The .ut
file can be now modified to use the toto.geof
file just created.
**meshfile toto.geof
**node U1 U2 Pn RU1 RU2 RPn
**integ sig11 sig22 sig33 sig12 dv F11 F22 F33 F12 F21
1 1 1 1 4.000000000000000e+00
2 1 1 2 8.000000000000000e+00
3 1 1 3 1.200000000000000e+01
4 1 1 4 1.600000000000000e+01
5 1 1 5 2.000000000000000e+01
And the results can be then viewed on the exploded mesh via Zmaster.
When doing this make sure to turn off deformed mesh and include either (or both) **contour_by_element
and **value_at_integration
output options in the calculation.