Write material file#

The material file can be defined directly in the ‘inp’ file or in a separated file.

For the case where the material file is defined in the ‘inp’ file, After the material file is declared using *this_file, the program re-opens that file and scans for the 1st (not commented) ***behavior occurence.

****calcul                    % beginning of a FEM problem (note no indent)
 ***material                  % a material definition starts...
   *this_file                 % the behavior is defined in this file!
****return                    % the keyword 'this_file' can be changed
                              % with 'inp' file, for example 'plate.inp'

***behavior linear_elastic    % linear elastic is the behavior object type
 **elasticity isotropic       % create an elasticicity matrix of type isotropic
   young 200000.0             % simple constant coefficients... these names
   poisson 0.28               %   are unique to the isotropic type...
***return                     % end of behavior object.

For the case where the material file is defined in a separate file, add the following lines in the ‘inp’ file :

****calcul                    % beginning of a FEM problem (note no indent)
 ***material                  % a material definition starts...
   *file elastic.mat          % the behavior is defined in a separate file!

The material file ‘elastic.mat’ is given below :

***behavior linear_elastic    % linear elastic is the behavior object type
 **elasticity isotropic       % create an elasticicity matrix of type isotropic
   young 200000.0             % simple constant coefficients... these names
   poisson 0.28               %   are unique to the isotropic type...