

The **convection_heat_flux BC imposes a convective heat flux on a line set in 2D or a face set in 3D:


where \(q_c = - K \vect{\nabla T} . \vect n\) is the outflow flux, \(a\) the convection coefficient, \(T_e\) the exterior temperature and \(\vect n\) the outward normal (note that the actual liset or bset alignment is not taken into account).

This keyword replaces the now deprecated keyword **fluconv.


**convection_heat_flux  group \(~\,~\,\) h \(a\) \(~\,~\,\) Te Te table


Character name for the group of line sets in 2D or face sets in 3D where the flux condition is to be applied.


Real value for the convection coefficient.


Real value for the exterior temperature \(T_e\).


Character name of the table describing the flux value in time (see ***table).

The coefficient \(a\) may depend on the temperature for this condition. The syntax required for a convection heat flux condition with this dependence is given below:

**convection_heat_flux group \(~\,~\,\) h temperature \(~\,~\,\) h0   T0 \(~\,~\,\) h1   T1 \(~\,~\,\) h2   T2 \(~\,~\,\)\(~\,~\,\) Te   Te table

The keyword **convection_heat_flux and the two following lines must be repeated as many times as there are convective flux boundary conditions.


**convection_heat_flux myliset
  h   100.0
  Te  -10. table1