

This command is used to reorder a scrambled line set. It first looks for a potential line set beginning, and then puts all other segments in the right order. The result is a well ordered line set, even if the initial segment ordering is completely scrambled.


The command has the following syntax:

**continuous_liset \(~\,\) *liset_name liset-name \(~\,\) [ *start_at_node node-id ] \(~\,\) [ *start_near (x,y,z) ]


is used to indicate the name of the source line set to be re-ordered. If this line set is a loop (hence has no “natural” beginning),


parameter specifies where to begin the liset.


Alternatively, this parameter specifies the localization of this first node its (possibly approximate) coordinates.


An example can be found in $Z7PATH/Zcracks_test/INP/WORKING_DIR/crack.inp or $Z7PATH/Zcracks_test/INP/WORKING_DIR/crack_0.inp.