

This command is set up to clean out a calculation directory. It can be used on individual calculations or for every problem in the directory. It uses the file extension to delete data files. Look at the script to see if it would be appropriate to change which files are erased, and how the files are erased (for example one could add a “trash can” directory). The command is provided as a utility which could be useful in some cases.


% Zclean [ -d directory_path ] [-a] [-zf] [problem]  \(\hookleftarrow\)

  • -a: every set of data files corresponding to an .inp file will be cleaned. Otherwise, the specific file prefix problem of the input file to be cleaned must be given.

  • -d: it enables cleaning within a specified directory located at directory_path.

  • -zf: it allows to remove .c files generated by ZebFront command from *.z files.