This command assigns a local coordinate system to the degrees of freedom attached to nodes of a given node set. The command is not compatible with every element formulation, and thus care should be used with this option. When in doubt, ask your supplier for additional advice.
\(~\,\) *euler
Euler rotation definition
\(~\,\) *cartesian
Cartesian rotation definition
\(~\,\) *cylindrical
center [ axis ]
The following example shows the use of this option to make a sliding boundary condition at an orientation away from the coordinate axes.
***mesh small_deformation
**local_frame top-ext
*euler 45.0 0. 0.
**local_frame bottom-ext
*cartesian x1 .05 .05 0. x3 0. 0. 1.
Another example is to impose a cylindrical coordinate system. This type linearizes the curvature, and is thus valid only for very small deformations.
***mesh plane_strain
**local_frame outer
(2. 1.)