Microsoft Windows#

The windows distributions can be downloaded from There may be more than one incremental release available for download. Under normal circumstances, the latest version should be chosen. For distributions recorded on CD-ROM, please contact your Z-set distributor.

The distribution supports multiple incremental releases installed in the same shared location, facilitating easy version switching. The program can also be run directly from a CD-ROM, allowing old version results to be re-run as-is.
This installation procedure applies to all Z-set versions released after version Z9.0.
  1. Download Z-set distribution (e.g.

  2. Extract distribution from the archive to an appropriate hard disk location MyPath. This will create a MyPath\Z9.1 folder containing the Z-set distribution. While creating the folder for Z-set installation, ensure that its name has NO blank spaces. Then set the following environment variables using a command prompt:

    set Z7PATH=MyPath\Z9.1

    Make a change in the already existing variable Path by appending the following:

    set PATH=%PATH%;%Z7PATH%\win64

    These variables may be set/modified via the “System \(\rightarrow\) System Properties \(\rightarrow\) Environment Variables” menu as:


    Fig. 1 Add Z7PATH as a new environment variable#


    Fig. 2 Append %Z7PATH%\win64 to Path#

  3. Test the executable files: Try opening a command console and type for example:

    Zrun -H

The Z-set executable files are located in the win64 directory within the installation directory. We do not create a link to this directory in the users’ Start Menu, so many users choose to create an alias on their desktop for easier access. A very convenient method for launching the executable files is to drag and drop an input file onto the Z-set icons (Zmaster.exe and Zrun.exe). Dragging and dropping a file onto the Zrun.exe icon automatically changes the working directory to the location of the problem file. Similarly, dragging a file onto the Zmaster.exe icon performs the same action. If Zmaster is already open, dragging and dropping an input file into the main graphics window will clear, load, and change the working directory.

The executable files opened at this point are still unlicensed for the specific features of the software. In order to activate the licensed portions of the software the following licensing step must be followed.

  1. Initiate a license file request: the floating and centralized license management is available with many powerful features. The “classical” Zebulon node-locked licensing is also available.

    1. Node-locked license: To get a license, launch the command:

      Zserver -id

      and send via email the obtained information to

      The user has two choices for the location where the encoded license key obtained from Z-set support team can be placed:

      • The standard path %Z7PATH%\lib .

      • User defined path: this choice is preferable to avoid moving the license file each time when you download a new version of Z-set. With this choice, a system variable Z7LICENSE has to be set, pointing to the complete file path of the license file.

      When executing the Z-set programs, the system will initially look for the license file specified by the environment variable Z7LICENSE, and then in the directory %Z7PATH%\lib\*.zlic.

      If there are problems with the license, one can test it with the following command:

      Zrun -test_license

      By default this command checks out the fem module license. Other license tokens can be checked out by giving the package name after the test switch such as

      Zrun -test_license zbbhpc

      for Z-mat HPC. Here is the list of available license tokens:


      Finite element module


      Zmesh module


      Graphical interface Zmaster


      Zopt module (optimization)


      Zsim module (simulation)




      Z-mat HPC


      Parallel processing


      glue subdomains’ results files after a parallel computation

    2. Floating license: Starting from Z8.3.5 version the floating license system does not require license file on all client machines. In order to be issued a license, the license server should be used to get host information. Kindly open a command prompt, launch the command Zserver -id, and send that data in its entirety to

      Using this Hostname and Hostid Transvalor S.A. will issue a license for the floating license server. Now if the client machines want an access to the license file they will have to specify the Z7LICENSE path as a hostname or IP address, followed by the server port number:

      • IP address:


        where is the IP address, and yyyy is the port number.

      • Hostname:

        Z7LICENSE Hostname:yyyy

      By default, the license file is encoded using the port number 3490. If this port is not available or cannot be opened for listening, please notify our team so that the license file can be encoded accordingly. To ensure that other machines on the network can recognize the Hostname of your license server, it must be accessible through DNS or other name resolution methods. In some network configurations, combining the Hostname with a DNS suffix may be necessary to create a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). The Hostname resolution can be tested by attempting to ping the the IP address or the Hostname using the command



      ping Hostname

      Please feel free to call your Z-set distributor if there are any difficulties.

      The license file will be sent via e-mail, and should be stored to a place on the disk where all users on all computers can access it. Copies of the file can be made if necessary to users home directories, but a common location prevents difficulties when updating the license file, etc.

      Next the Windows service must be started, for which we suggest the following command:


      Run this command in the command prompt (CMD) started with administrator privileges (right click over the command prompt and from the context menu select “run as administrator”).


      The status of the Z-set License manager service can be verified from the list of services as shown below:


      The “Startup type” can be chosen as “Automatic” to avoid repeating the steps of starting the service each time the server is restarted.


      • If the environment variable is used and the windows service based license manager installed, the environment variable must be set as a System variable and not user-account variable.

      • Note also that both the license server and clients can use the same license file, and communicate between each other accordingly. For the client machine, it is also possible to specify the Z7LICENSE path as a hostname or IP address, followed by the server port number: Z7LICENSE where is the hostname or IP address of the server and yyyy is the port number.

      Connection with the server can be verified with the command:

      Zrun -test_license

      By default this command checks out the fem module license. Other license tokens can be selected by giving the package name after the switch such as

      Zrun -test_license zbbhpc

      for Z-mat HPC.

      Note that for license servers, a stable machine should be chosen, and a port number as well. Currently there is no registered port number affected to Z-set license server so this can be chosen somewhat arbitrarily as long as no other service is using it.

  2. Documentation and Test Files The documentation set is always supplied in the form of indexed PDF files within the directory HANDBOOK on the root directory of the Z-set distribution. A large number of input files and example problems are shipped with the software in the TESTS directory. We do recommend that these tests be used together with User Manuals because they provide an excellent base for creating input files. Also these files are frequently referenced from the technical support.

  3. Run a Z-mat problem from the test directory. If you are using a Z-mat platform with another solver (Abaqus, Ansys, Marc, Samcef, Morfeo, Aster, Adventure cluster, LS-Dyna, …)

    1. For Z-mat with ABAQUS make sure that the environment variables are set and type the following:

    cd %Z7PATH%\TESTS\Z-mat\umat_v61
    Zmat -fg doghri
    Zrun -pp doghri.pst
    Zodb doghri.odb
    1. For Z-mat with ANSYS make sure that the environment variables are set and type the following:

    cd %Z7PATH%\TESTS\Zansys\INP
    Zansys doghri_ansys
    Zrun -pp doghri_ansys.pst
    Zmaster doghri_ansys.rst
  4. Setup for User Compiling if user extensions are planned. An example of a user project is included in the distribution, located in the User-project directory within the installation directory. The structure of the project is as follows:

    00_README  finite_element   library_files  material   proj.zpr  test

    There are some small examples of material additions in the material directory, and Zebulon plugins in the finite_element directory. The file proj.zpr is used to configure the project. Double click the proj.zpr file, or drag and drop it onto the win_proj.exe program in the win64 binary directory. The program will print some messages and wait for return to be hit. After that, the directory will include Visual Studio project files configured to make the user library.

    Zebulon and Z-mat commands will search for user plugins (dynamic link libraries .dll) in the following paths, in this order:

    • %Z7PATH%\win64

    • %ZEBU_PATH%

    • Current working directory \.

    %ZEBU_PATH% is a user-defined environment variable that specifies the directory where user plugins are located.