

This command is used to quickly generate a 2D ruled linear mesh of a rectangle. See also the quadratic version mesh_quad_rectangle.


**mesh_lin_rectangle \(~\,\) *ncutx nx \(~\,\) *ncuty ny \(~\,\) *sizex length_x \(~\,\) *sizey length_y

*ncutx, *ncuty

Number of subdivisions along the \(x\) and \(y\) axes.

*sizex, *sizey

Length of the box in each direction.


 ***mesh rect.geo
   *ncutx 10
   *ncuty 200
   *sizex 1.
   *sizey 20.



This command is used to quickly generate a 2D ruled quadratic mesh of a rectangle. It shares its syntax with mesh_lin_rectangle with some additional options.


**mesh_quad_rectangle \(~\,\) *ncutx nx \(~\,\) *ncuty ny \(~\,\) *sizex length_x \(~\,\) *sizey length_y \(~\,\) [ *no_sets] \(~\,\) [ *c2d6]


The faces, edges and corner NSETS are not generated.


Change element type to c2d6. By default: c2d8.


The following example creates a mesh of a \(175\times 3\) mm plate (circular shape, in axisymmetric formulation), with square \(0.1 \times 0.1\) mm elements.

 ***mesh regular_quad_plate.geo

   *sizex 175.0e-3
   *sizey 3.0e-3
   *ncutx 1750
   *ncuty 30

  **translate *y 0.11

    x0   axis
    x1   tip
    y0   bottom
    y1   top
    x0y0 Pbot0
    x1y0 Pbot1750
    x0y1 Ptop0
    x1y1 Ptop1750

  **bset tip    *use_nset tip
  **bset top    *use_nset top
  **bset bottom *use_nset bottom
  **bset_align  *bsets ALL




This mesher creates the mesh of a quadrangle using quadrilateral elements.


**mesh_quadrangle \(~\,\) *pointA POINTA \(~\,\) *pointB POINTB \(~\,\) *pointC POINTC \(~\,\) *pointD POINTD [ *ncut_AB cut_AB ] [ *ncut_BC cut_BC ] [ *prog_AB prog_AB ] [ *prog_BC prog_BC ] [ *prog_DC prog_DC ] [ *prog_AD prog_AD ] [ *radius_AB r_ab ] [ *radius_CD r_cd ] [ *no_sets ] [ *quad ]

*pointA, *pointB, *pointC, and *pointD

are the vertices of the rectangle.

*ncut_AB (resp. *ncut_BC)

the number of subdivisions along AB (resp. BC).

*prog_AB, *prog_BC, *prog_DC, and *prog_AD

The geometrical progression of the mesh along AB, BC, DC, and AD, respectively.

*radius_AB and *radius_CD

The radius of curvature of sides AB and CD.


To prevent the creation of node sets (vertices and edges).


To output a quadratic mesh.


 *pointA (0. 0.)
 *pointB (1. 0.)
 *pointC (1.2 1.)
 *pointD (0.5 1.)
 *ncut_AB 10
 *ncut_BC 9
 *prog_AB 0.9
 *prog_BC 0.8
 *prog_DC 1.3
 *prog_AD 1.4
 *radius_AB 0.8
 *radius_CD 0.9