

This mesher is for parallel problems, where a specific feature across the mesh is desired to be wholly contained in one domain. The mesh should already be split into domains, from which the elements in the given elset will be “condensed out” into a new domain (i.e. the original split should be \(n-1\) domains, with \(n\) the total desired number). Note that doing this does not ensure that the domains will be well sized for balanced load, or that poorly conditioned partial domains with isolated small groups of elements could be created.


The command has the following syntax:

**condense_out_elset_domain \(~\,\) *elset elset-name


specifies a pre-existing elset name which will make up the new domain.


 ***mesh spec_split_condense.geof
  **open spec.geof
   *domains 16
   *elset target_zone