

This command marks an individual test condition to simulate. Loadings, output, and model specification will be contained within this option. The output file name will be determined by the test name given after the command. Loadings and outputs may be repeated in the input sequence to create complex cases.

The model definition must be compatible with the solver type chosen. Many simple simulation models are only compatible with the Runge-Kutta integration, with other FEA-specific material models with implicit integration only must be used with the iterative Newton solver. If the model is not compatible, a run-time error message will be issued.


The definition of a test case within the simulation will follow the syntax below:

***test test_name \(~\,\) **load \(~\,\) **model type \(~\,\) **output \(~\,\) **solver type \(~\,\) **time_ini \(~\,\) **time_end \(~\,\) **var_mat_ini \(~\,\) **yield_surface \(~\,\) **error_map \(~\,\) **constant_parameter \(~\,\) **simulation_plugin

Each of these commands takes at least some extra input. The different sub-commands are all described fully in the following sections. Use of at least one **load command is required, although multiple entries are possible.

The model must be defined as well, either through the use of a defined default behavior using the ***model keyword before the test instance (see simulate . For the explicit solver (more accurate), this may be a simple ZebFront model of type SIMUL_MODEL or a finite element behavior properly modified for the simulation mode 1presently (July 1997) all the gen_evp models are implemented as are some ZebFront FEM models; others are in development. The syntax for a FEM behavior does not take a behavior type after the **model command. The model name will be found in the material file after the command ***behavior. Specialty simulation models do require the type following **model in the test definition.


An example test definition for use with a finite element behavior was given in the previous section (see example. A simulation model (1D simulation only) example follows:

  ***test relax12
   **time_ini -5.0
    *file relax12.load 2
   **model ddi
     *file relax12.mat
     *integration runge_kutta 2.e-3 2.e-3
   **output time eto sig evcum epcum