This kinematic hardening model provides nonlinear modulus behavior forming a hysteresis loop with slight S shape. Normally this kinematic type would be combined with other linear and nonlinear hardenings to fine tune cyclic behavior.
&\alpha_{eq} = \left[\dfrac{3}{2}\ten \alpha:\ten \alpha \right]^{1/2} \\
&\ten X_i = \frac{C~\tanh(D\,\alpha_{eq})}{D\,\alpha_{eq}} \ten{\alpha}_i \\
&\dot{\ten{\alpha}}_i = \dot{\lambda}\ten n
The basic input syntax here is:
*kinematic asaro
[ C
coef-value ]
[ D
coef-value ]
[ M
coef-value ]
[ m
coef-value ]
The following example shows the use of this kinematic model in combination with a number of other kinematic hardenings, with the separate terms plotted below.
***behavior gen_evp
**elasticity isotropic
young 69000.00
poisson 0.3
**potential gen_evp2 ev
*criterion mises
*isotropic nonlinear
R0 340.0
b 900.0
Q -210.0
*kinematic nonlinear 1_
C 187500.
D 1250.0
*kinematic armstrong_frederick 2_
C 11250.0
D 150.0
*kinematic linear 3_
C 1000.0
*kinematic asaro 4_
C 56250.0
D 750.0