

The ***files option is used to declare files where the optimization variables are to be replaced during the trial evaluations of the error function. The following diagram shows the function of the template files in order that the the optimizer can alter the execution data for simulations in a general way.


The program detects variables to be optimized in the .tmpl suffixed versions of the files by searching for alphanumeric strings with the following format: ?[a-z,A-Z,0-9]* Thus, the ? indicates that the parameter is to be optimized, and the following token string is used to reference the variable in the solution. References are needed to give initial values, define constraints on the variables, etc.

If the file exists with the name given with the ***files command, the initial values will be taken from that file. Otherwise, the ***value command must be used (see value). If a variable name is repeatedly found in several files/functions, they are treated to be the same and therefore only one optimization unknown is created. If the initial value file is given, it will be copied to a new file with the suffix .bak to save the values.


This command is generally a one-liner, where it only takes the file name bases for optimization files.

***files f1fn

where f1fn are filenames where variables are. The software searches these variables in “template” files named f1 .tmpl fn.tmpl. It then creates files f1fn with the actual values of the variables.


The following statement declares that file file1 contains the data to be optimized.

***files file1

where file1.tmpl could for example be:

***behavior gen_evp
 **elasticity young 260000.  poisson 0.3
 **potential gen_evp ev
   *flow norton
       n  7.0
       K  ?Visco
   *isotropic constant
       R0 ?RRR

The lines ?Visco and ?RRR indicate that two variable values are to be substituted in their places during the optimization.