

This command runs ABAQUS using Z-mat with the specified problem name. It is also utilized to perform the object linking between Z-mat and ABAQUS, creating the Z-mat capable executable.

The environment variable ABAQUS_ROOT, which specifies the main installation directory of Abaqus, should be defined.

This command serves as the primary interface for ABAQUS calculations when using the Z-mat package. Simulations and optimization tasks are carried out with the command Zrun.


% Zmat [options]problem   \(\hookleftarrow\)

The command line options are as follows:




use double precision (equiv of double=explicit with Abaqus/explicit)


run in foreground (use interactive option to abaqus)

-G prb.odb

include globalmodel=prb.odb option to abaqus

-oj prb

add oldjob=prb


gives a list of available switches for the command


force linking of Z-mat user library with current Abaqus version (on windows)

-mpi cpu

run using multiple cpus option

-prefix pre

use pre.f and pre .o for the umat search from %Z7PATH%\lib\Zmat (windows) or $Z7PATH/lib/Zmat (Linux)

-uf file

add fortran routines


UEL mode

-sdv0 file

initialize SDVs with results database file


When the command is launched, a number of special files will be copied into the current calculation directory, providing the necessary information for ABAQUS to link with the Z-mat library.

  • One of these files is umat.f which has an empty Fortran routine to call into Z-mat. It is copied from $Z7PATH/lib/Zmat/mech-sd*.f, depending on the application. This subroutine is necessary for ABAQUS to recognize which routines have been defined. If a user subroutine is defined (specified using the option -uf <user_sub>.f), the original umat.f and the user subroutine will be concatenated into umat.f.

    In the case of a Fortran routine that only calls Z-mat (i.e. when user subroutines are not used), the file umat.f does not need to be compiled. Instead, Z-mat directly uses the appropriate object file located at:

    • Linux: $Z7PATH/PUBLIC/lib-Linux_64/mech-sd*.o

    • Windows: %Z7PATH%\win64\Abaqus_extras_*\mech-sd*.obj

  • The appropriate abaqus_v6.env file will be copied to set up the compile and link operations (refer to the Z-mat/ABAQUS documentation in the Z-mat manual). User changes can be made to the environment settings by placing the commands in the file zebaba_v6.env. User settings should not be specified in abaqus_v6.env as it is overwritten with each launch of Zmat. The configuration file abaqus_v6.env will be then the concatenation of $Z7PATH/lib/Zmat/abaqus_v6.env-$Z7MACHINE (or, if not available, $Z7PATH/lib/Zmat/abaqus_v6.env) with zebaba_v6.env located in the local directory (or, if not available $HOME/zebaba_v6.env)
