This object class permits addition of damage mechanisms to a behavior
assembly of type gen_evp
. These models are of the type “continuum
damage mechanics” (CDM), and thus provide interaction through alteration
of the elasticity modulus with damage and calculation of plasticity with
the use of an effective stress.
Damage models may be used in the gen_evp
behavior with and without
inelastic deformation potentials. The coupling with inelastic
deformations and their hardening variables is discussed below.
The damage mechanisms are added through the use of a token **damage
input after the **elasticity
declaration. The general syntax is:
[ *elastic
[ *plastic
[ *creep
[ *coupling
type ]
There is a restriction currently that the *damage
statement must
come after the *elasticity
statement in the behavior.
The number of coefficients for each option depends of course on on the particular damage model selected. The currently implemented types are summarized below:
elastic damage |
anisotropic elastic damage with scalar and tensorial variables |
plasticity damage which depends on the rate of inelastic deformation |
time dependent damage |
fatigue |
cyclic damage |
The coefficients here are:
. The damage is calculated directly at a given time as:\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} &\bar{Y} = \frac{1}{2}\ten{\varepsilon}_{el}:\tenf D_{el}:\ten{\varepsilon}_{el} \\ &Y_{max}^{t+\Delta t} = \max(\bar{Y}, Y_{max}^t) \\ &d = \begin{array}{ll} \alpha~(Y_{max}^{1/2} - Y_o^{1/2}) & Y_{max}>Y_o \\ 0 & Y_{max}\leq Y_o \end{array} \\ \end{aligned}\end{split}\]*plastic
This model integrates the damage as a function of the inelastic strain equivalent in the following manner:
\[\dot{d} = \dot{p}_i\left(Y/{\tt S0}\right)^{\tt s0}\]For the \(i\)-th component of inelastic deformation. Note that \(\dot{p}\) is calculated as:
\[\dot{p}_i = \left[ \dfrac{2}{3}\dot{\boldsymbol{ \varepsilon}}_i:deps_i\right]^{1/2}\]*creep
Classical viscoplastic damage using the Hayhurst stress function. The damage is calculated as:
\[\chi(\ten \sigma) = \alpha J_0 + \beta J_1 + (1-\alpha-\beta)J_2\]The rate of damage production will be calculated as:
\[\dot{d} = \left<\frac{\chi(\ten \sigma)}{A}\right>^r \left(1 - d\right)^{-k}\]with \(J_0\) the maximum principle stress, \(J_1\) the trace of the stress tensor, and \(J_2\) the second invariant of the deviator \((\frac{3}{2}\ten s:\ten s)^{1/2}\).
Coupling with plasticity#
Applying simply the damage mechanisms to a gen_evp
plasticity model
will only couple the stress calculation in the potentials and modify the
elastic modulus. For the hardening mechanisms to be coupled to the
damage rate, several additional changes must be made to the syntax.
Addition of one or more plasticity potentials to a behavior with damage causes the following equations to be used for the inelastic strain rate:
The default situation interfacing damage to the potential only involves use of the effective stress in the place of the actual (weakened) stress. This leads to the following set of evolution equations:
from which it is noted that the hardening forces \(\bf H\) are related to the internal (strain analogue) variables \(\bf h\) by the same linear relationship:
***behavior gen_evp
**elasticity isotropic
young 260000.
poisson 0.3
**damage isotropic
alpha 0.75
beta 0.0
A 3000.
r 5.3
k 15.
*coupling damage_hardening
**potential gen_evp ev
*flow alt_norton
n 7.0
K 2070.
K2 1600.0
K3 19.0
*kinematic nonlinear
C inv_one_minus dv 15000.0
D 300.0
*kinematic nonlinear
C inv_one_minus dv 6000.0
D 100.0
*isotropic constant
R0 130.