This command can be used for remeshing an input Zebulon mesh by means of the DISTENE remeshing tools. There are basically 3 different pieces of software that may be used to build the new mesh:
is used for remeshing a surface mesh (that may be built from the skin of a 3D mesh or directly from a shell mesh) according to various criterions,
is a general purpose 3D mesher that takes as input a surface mesh and fills the volume with tetrahedra,
given a metric map,
performs either surface, volume, or surface+volume adaptation at the same time. The metric map is made of the desired sizes of vertices (edges) connected to each vertex (node) of the mesh. Since this map is given on the initial mesh, several iterations may be needed in the adaptation process.
Those tools are fully interfaced for Zebulon and the yams_ghs3d
command automatically writes out DISTENE input and reads in DISTENE output files to build the Zebulon mesh. DISTENE binaries are included in the standard Zebulon distribution (in the $Z7PATH/PUBLIC/lib-$Z7MACHINE/Zmesh/
folder), but an optional license key is needed to run those software. Yams
, Ghs3d
, and Meshadapt
manuals are also available in the Zmesh
/ folder, and the user may have a look at those if a fine tuning of the remeshing process is needed.
Note that only linear elements are handled by yams_ghs3d
. A combination of the quad_to_lin
(before yams_ghs3d
) and lin_to_quad
commands (after) may then be used to allow the use of quadratic meshes. Warning: if a computation result is available, the mesh will be deformed before remeshing.
The command has the following syntax:
\(~\,\) [ *yams_only
\(~\,\) [ *ghs_only
\(~\,\) [ *nb_iter_surf
niter-surf ]
\(~\,\) [ *nb_iter_vol
niter-vol ]
\(~\,\) [ *nb_iter
niter ]
\(~\,\) [ *force_meshadapt
\(~\,\) [ *refinement_origin
origin-nset ]
\(~\,\) [ *refinement
func(x,y,z) ; ]
\(~\,\) [ *refinement_file
fname ]
\(~\,\) [ *absolu
\(~\,\) [ *min_size
min ]
\(~\,\) [ *max_size
max ]
\(~\,\) [ *gradation
grad ]
\(~\,\) [ *tolerance
tol ]
\(~\,\) [ *optim_style
opt ]
\(~\,\) [ *preserve_faset
bset-name1 bset-name2 … ]
\(~\,\) [ *preserve_liset
bset-name1 bset-name2 … ]
\(~\,\) [ *yams_options
yams-options ]
\(~\,\) [ *ghs3d_options
ghs3d-options ]
\(~\,\) [ *meshadapt_options
meshadapt-options ]
forces surface remeshing only (ie. performing only step i)).
forces volume remeshing only (ie. performing only step ii)).
if a metric map is given, this command allows to specify the number niter-surf of iterations involved in step i) to satisfy a given metric map for the surface mesh (default is niter-surf=3).
if a metric map is given, this command allows to specify the number niter-vol of iterations involved in step iii) to satisfy a given metric for the volume mesh (default is niter-vol=2),
this command can be used to define both niter-surf and niter-vol at the same time (niter-surf=niter-vol=niter in this case).
when a metric map is given as input to drive the remeshing process, this option has the effect to force the use of
instead ofYams
during step i). Note that in this caseMeshadapt
is run only 1 time during step i) (option -O1 for surface adaptation) and nb_iter times during step ii) (option -O3 for surface+volume adaptation),*refinement_origin
this command is used to define the name origin-nset of an nset taken as a base to calculate the metric map according to function func(x,y,z) (see next command),
this command defines the function func(x,y,z) used to compute the metric map (see explanations in the
Metric map calculation
paragraph). Note the only variables allowed in this function arex
and that the definition should end with a";"
with fname the name of a metric map file (the file syntax is explained in the
Metric map calculation
is a
option and is only used during step i). In this case edge sizes (arguments of the*min_size
commands, and/or values given in the metric map) are absolute values. The default alternative is to use relative values (ie. sizes are scaled by size of the bounding box of the initial mesh, see theYams
user manual).*gradation
gradis a
only option (step i) that may be used to control the element size variation (please refer to theYams
user manual).*tolerance
tol*is a
only option (step i) used to set the value tol of the maximum chordal deviation tolerance (please refer to theYams
user manual).*optim_style
optis a
only option (step i) and can be used to specify the type of optimization style (coarsening, enrichment etc… please refer to theYams
user manual). Default is opt=2 for geometrical mesh enrichment.*preserve_XXset
used to preserve set(s) during surface remeshing. This can only be applied to set(s) located on the mesh skin and it does not mean that the exact set(s) topology should be kept (set(s) is/are rebuilt after the remeshing process: position and element type could have changed).
, and*meshadapt_options
these commands are meant for advanced DISTENE tools users, and allow to specify manually the DISTENE software command line options (see user manuals in the Zmesh/ folder). Default values are in general appropriate for typical Zebulon applications.
Calculation of the metric map
The metric map is defined by a set \(\mathcal{P}\) of base points with the target element sizes near those points:
where \(n_b\) if the number of base points, \(P_i\) a particular point in \(\mathcal{P}\) with coordinates \((x_i,y_i,z_i)\) and a prescribed size of \(d_i\).
\(\mathcal{P}\) may be defined either by commands *refinement_origin
or *refinement_file
origin-nset fills \(\mathcal{P}\) with points corresponding to nodes in nset origin-nset,*refinement_file
fname defines the name of a file containing \(P_i\), \(d_i\). Syntax of this ASCII file is the following one:- first line:\(n_b\) (number of base points: 1 integer)
- line \(2\) to \(n_b+1\)\(x_i~~y_i~~z_i~~d_i\) (definition of \(P_i\) coordinates and prescribed size: 4 double values)
Then for each node \(N\) in the current mesh, the prescribed size \(d(N)\) of element edges built from node \(N\) is calculated in the following way:
- first, find closest point \(P^*\) from \(N\) in set \(\mathcal{P}\):\(P^*~~~\)such that \(~~distance(P^*,N) ~=~ Min \left\{~ distance(P_i,N)~~,~~i=1,...,n_b ~\right\}\)
then, if a function func(x,y,z) is given by means of command
:\[d(N)~=~func(x^*,y^*,z^*)\]with \((x^*,y^*,z^*)\) the coordinates of point \(P^*\),
\[d(N)~=~d^*\]with \(d^*\) the prescribed size given for point \(P^*\) in \(\mathcal{P}\).
- finally, if either commands
min ormax_size
max are specified:if \(~~d(N)<\)min then \(d(N)=\)minif \(~~d(N)>\)max then \(d(N)=\)max
Note that the option *absolu
is advised in this case to insure that \(d(N)\) values calculated do correspond to actual edge sizes in the finite element mesh.
See tests in folder $Z7PATH/TESTS/Distene_test/INP/
***mesh output
**open input.geof
*nb_iter 3
*min_size 0.03
*max_size 0.2
*preserve_faset haut-ext bas-ext U1=0 U3=0
*refinement_origin bas-ext
*refinement x*x+y*y+z*z;