**process relocalised_post#


This post computation interpolates the specified DOFs at specified coordinates.


**process relocalised_post \(~\,\) *variables list-of-variables [ *station vector ] [ *station_file infile ] [ *p1 (x y z) *p2 (x y z) *num n ] [ *output_file outfile ] [ *tolerance value ] [ *locator_type locator ]


is the list of DOFs to output.


is used if a single point is probed; use *station_file if more than one point is required.


is the name of an ASCII file containing coordinates of desired output points.

*p1 *p2  *num

are used to probe the results between the specified points, with n points. Note that the 3 options *station, *station_file and this last triplet are mutually exclusive.


specifies in which file output should be given. If it is omitted, results are printed on screen. If the filename ends with .vtk, the output file will be in vtk format; otherwise, standard ASCII file format suited to gnuplot is used.


is passed to the element locator, to allow slightly out-of-elements point localization. Default is 0.


is the localization method. It defaults to bb_tree (currently the optimal method available in Z-set).


Example 1

The following example shows how to probe a computation result along a line:

  **file integ
  **process coordinates   # to create variables X Y Z
  **process relocalised_post
   *variables X Y Z sig11
   *p1 (0.   -9.666 2.096)
   *p2 (125. -9.666 2.096)
   *num 500
   *output_file sig_along_line.dat

Example 2

This example shows how to extract the displacement at specific coordinates:

 **file node
%  **at 1.  30. 365. 3650. 36500.
 **output_number 0-999
 **process relocalised_post
  *station_file GPS_stations.dat
  *variables U1 U2 U3
  *output_file GPS-out.vtk
  *tolerance 1. % in distance unit

where the station file looks like (note that for convenience all text after the 3rd column is considered as a label for the point, and is ignored):

#  X              Y              Z             label
-1.129764e+06   6.229049e+06   7.156934e+05    ARAU
-1.155688e+06   6.239179e+06   5.715508e+05    BABH
-1.834799e+06   6.058418e+06  -7.202233e+05    BAKO
-9.878078e+05   6.183675e+06   1.173047e+06    BANH
# [...]