

This command defines the model to be simulated in the current test.


One specifies the simulation one time per test using the following syntax:

**model [ type ] \(~\,\) *coefficients \(~\,~\,\) coef list (constant) \(~\,\) *file name \(~\,\) *integration <INTEGRATION> \(~\,\) *initial_value \(~\,~\,\) var_name value

If the optional model name type is given after the **model command, the model will be of the generalized simulation type (not fem compatible). In this case, the model coefficients will be read below the *coefficients command, or in a file with the *coefficients command in it (terminated with *return). Otherwise the *file command must be used to specify the external file name with the fem compatible behavior (standard behavior file as described in the chapter “Material File”).


gives the file name for a behavior type model. This can be one of the standard finite element behaviors, or a custom ZebFront behavior. Note that the filename may be the same as the input file name (including the suffix). The file will be scanned for the ***behavior keyword. We normally suggest putting the behavior definition at the end of the input file. If the material definition is provided in the main simulator input file the command *this_file can be used instead of *file.


defines the integration method. This command is equivalent to that for a FEM material. Currently only the explicit integration (i.e. Runge-Kutta) methods are supported by the simulator.


defines a material rotation which will be affected on the gradient/flux combination (for tensorial variables) before and after the loading steps. Note that the rotation defines the transition from global to material as in the finite element method.


In the event of rotation and tensorial integrated variables, the integrated variable values which get output are in the material coordinate system. This will change in the future sometime, so tests and examples which depend on that will change.