Experimental results management#
The Experiments command
allows some management of experimental data
in order to put them in a form suitable for comparisons with simulation
results prior to optimization. In the application, experimental data are
manipulated through three different types of Experiment items
base experiment items
are X-Y curves extracted directly from the raw experimental data by selecting columns in input ASCII files ;derived experiment items
can be generated from the previous ones (or from otherderived experiment items
) by applying various transformation operations ;composite experiment items
can be defined to regenerate multi-columns data from the results obtained after transformation.
These experiment items
are the basis of comparisons with simulation
results in the definition of the optimization procedures, and can also
be used to define the loading of simulations. The transformation
operations supported in the definition of the
derived experiment items
are quite comprehensive, including :
selection of regions of the input curve ;
simple transformations of the X-Y coordinates using mathematical functions ;
complex manipulations by means of a Zprogram script ;
powerful data smoothing (LOESS algorithm).
Finally, composite experiment items
are mainly used to define
multiaxial (and/or anisothermal) loadings in simulations.
Experiments management dialogs#
The main dialog is made of 3 selection boxes, one for each of the 3
types of experiment
described in the previous section, and
various commands that can be applied on the selected items.
Add command#
This command allows to create base experiments items
, ie. X-Y curves
defined by selecting 2 columns of an input ASCII file containing the
experimental data. By hitting the Add command
, the user opens the
Add base experiment dialog
(see Experiments/Add).
Derive command#
This command creates a new derived experiment item
from the selected
. Either base
or derived
types of items
can be derived from. By hitting the Derive
, the user
opens the Add derived experiment dialog
(see Experiments/Derive).
Composite command#
This command creates a new composite experiment item
that allows to
regenerate multicolumns data by pasting together base
derived experiment items
. By hitting the Composite command
, the
user opens the Add composite experiment dialog
(se Experiments/Composite).
Mod command#
This command edits the selected simulation item
, allowing to change
its definition.
Cop command#
Using this command, the user can create a new item by copying the
selected base
, derived
or composite experiment item
. The
copied item then appears at the end of the corresponding
items selection tree
Del command#
This command deletes from the database all the selected items.
Sel/Clear command#
This command clears all selections in the selection trees associated to
the 3 types of experiment items
Plot command#
This command draws all X-Y curves defined in the selected
simulation items
. Plots are tiled in the graphics area across the
X-Y plane, as shown in the next figure.
Cancel command#
This command closes the Experiments management dialog
further modification to the database.
Add base experiment dialog#
This command allows to create base experiment items
, ie. X-Y curves
defined by selecting two columns of an input ASCII file containing the
experimental data. The graphics dialog opened when the command is
activated is shown below.
The following sub-items are managed by the dialog.
The name of the
experiment item
defined in the A default name is assigned at creation, that should be changed to something more meaningful to the user.The name of the file containing the experimental data, specified in the
textfield. The browse button available on the right of the textfield opens a file selection dialog that helps selecting an existing file.
Column indexes in the input ASCII file that will define the
values to store in theexperiment item
. Syntax is \(\$nc\), where \(nc\) is the column index required.The
no zero
checkbox can be used to specify if the origin of the curve, when not available in the actual data, should be included when drawing the plot. Default is off.The
x log scale
checkbox can be used to plot the curve with a logarithmic abscissa. Default is off.The
y log scale
checkbox that can be used to plot the curve with a logarithmic ordinate. Default is off.
The following sub-commands may be activated from this dialog.
Go command#
This command updates the database with the informations included in the present dialog.
Edit command#
This command edits the input experimental file specified in the File
Plot command#
This command draws the X-Y curve stored in the current
base Experiment item
Cancel command#
This command closes the current dialog, without further modification to the database.
Add derived experiment dialog#
This command is used to apply transformations on pre-existing base
or derived
experiment items
. The dialog is shown in the next
The name of the experiment item
can be defined in the Name
The Derived from
textfield contains the name of the
experiment item
from which new data are derived. At creation, this
textfield is filled automatically with the name of the
experiment item
selected before activating the Derive command
the Experiments dialog
(see Experiments).
If the show reference
checkbox is toggled, the original curve (from
which new data is derived) will also be shown when the derived item
is plotted. Default is off.
The no zero
checkbox that can be used to specify if the origin of
the curve, when not available in the actual data, should be included
when drawing the plot. Default is off.
The x log scale
and y log scale
checkboxes that can be used to
respectively plot the curve with a logarithmic abscissa and ordinate.
Default is off.
The Selection
textfield may be used to select the regions of the
input curve that should be retained before applying transformation
operations. Any function of the X (entered as “\(\$1\)”) or Y
coordinate (entered as “\(\$2\)”) can be specified. Complex
selection criteria may be built by using the “\(*\)” (logical .OR.
operator) and “\(+\)” (logical .AND. operator) operators.
Entering the following function in the Selection
textfield :
selects portion of the original curve with X values between \(0.45\) and \(1.1\), as illustrated in the next figure.
Three modes of transformation are allowed, the particular type chosen being specified by means of the checkbox included in the dialog.
modeIn this case the (X,Y) coordinates of the derived curve are defined by functions entered in the
textfields. Arguments of these functions are typically the (X,Y) coordinates of the original curve, denoted as “\(\$1\)” and “\(\$2\)” in the function definitions. Most mathematical functions of thelibc
library are allowed in the definition.Example
In the following example the original curve is translated in the X direction by a value of 0.5 (function “\(\$1+0.5\)” entered in the
textfield), and Y values are multiplied by 2 (function “\(\$2*2\)” entered in theY
textfield). Note, that the same selection criterion as before (function “\((\$1>0.45)*(\$1<1.1)\)” entered in theSelection
textfield) has been applied, in order to restrict the transformation to a particular region of the input curve. Theshow reference
checkbox is toggled on, such that both the original and derived curves are drawn on the same plot.
modeIn this case the transformation is defined by means of a Zprogram script, which may allow more complex transformations than in the previous mode. The user should refer to the Developer’s manual for a complete reference on the Zprogram language syntax. The script to be applied can be edited by activating the
Program command
. A default script is provided that simply copies the original curve to the output :void main() { int ip; for(ip=0;ip<!x;ip++) { xres[ip]=x[ip]; yres[ip]=y[ip]; } }
The original (X,Y) values are stored respectively in the “
” and “y
” vectors, while coordinates of the result curve should be defined in the “yres
” and “xres
” vectors. By default the latter output vectors have the same size as the input ones. However they can be resized in the script, in which case the input and output curves will have a different number of points.Example
The following script selects one point every each increment of \(0.1\) along the X axis, and multiplies the Y value by \(2.0\).
void main() { int ip, count; double xinc, x0; xinc=0.1; count=0; x0=0.; //Calculation of the number of points retained in the output curve for(ip=0;ip<!x;ip++) { if((x[ip]-x0)>xinc) { count=count+1; x0=x[ip]; } } //Resizing of the ouput vector xres.resize(count); yres.resize(count); count=0; x0=0.; for(ip=0;ip<!x;ip++) { if((x[ip]-x0)>xinc) { xres[count]=x[ip]; yres[count]=2*y[ip]; count=count+1; x0=x[ip]; } } }
The results are shown in the following figure.
modeThis mode allows to smooth experimental data by means of the LOESS algorithm LOESS (Cleveland W. S. and Devlin S. J. 1988). In this method the smoothed values are obtained at each point of the original curve, by performing a least-square fit on a subset of the curve centered at the current point. During the fit, the weights assigned to each point in this subset are given decreasing values when the distance to the current point increases. The functions used in the least-square fits may be polynomials of an arbitrary degree. However only linear or quadratic polynomials are used in practice.
Clicking on the
Filter command
opens the dialog shown in the next figure that allows to specify the various smoothing parameters.Sub-items included in the dialog have the following meaning :
textfield defines the size of the subsets on which least-square fits are performed. Values given should be less than \(1.0\), and correspond to a fraction of the total number of points in the original curve. Increasing values ofSmooth
yields smoother curves, a value of \(1\) corresponding to a simple polynomial fit on the whole curve.The
textfield defines the degree of the polynomial used in the fits. Only values of \(1\) (linear fit) or \(2\) (quadratic fit) are allowed. Linear fits yield smoother results, but may miss critical points from the original curve.The
reduced output
option can be activated to specify the number of output points (default is to generate a smoothed value for each point in the original curve). In this case the number of output points required should be defined in theOutput size
textfield.If the
get min max
option is selected, min/max points of the original curve will be retained in the output, for each reversal of the Y value. ThePrecision
parameter may then be used to define the precision involved in the detection of these reversal points. A fine tuning of thisPrecision
parameter may be necessary to avoid non significant reversal points on fuzzy data. This option can be used in conjunction with thereduced output
option. Note that in this case theSmooth
parameter defines the size of subsets as a fraction of the number of points between 2 reversals. Similarly theOutput size
parameter is the number of output points required between 2 reversals.If the
extrapolate zero
option is activated, a point with a null Y coordinate will be calculated and included in the output curve. This option is particularly interesting when theexperiment item
generated is used to define a simulation loading (see Simulations/Define load block from exp).If the
get linear
option is activated, the algorithm attempts to generate a piecewise linear output, by detecting change in slopes of the smoothed curve. In this case, an output point will be generated for each change in slope. ThePrecision
parameter can be tuned to control the precision involved in the detection. This option is exclusive and cannot be used in conjunction with theget min max
andreduced output
The following figure illustrates the effect of the smoothing algorithms implemented.
The following figure illustrates the use of the
reduced output
option on the same input data as before.Example
The following example illustrates the use of the
reduced output
,get min max
andextrapolate zero
options, as defined in the dialog shown in the next figure.Results obtained are shown hereafter.
The various sub-commands included in the
Add derived experiment dialog
are summarized hereafter.
Go command#
This command updates the database with the current definition of the
experiment item
Edit command#
This command edits an output file containing the (X-Y) values obtained by applying the transformation operations selected in the dialog.
Plot command#
This command plots the (X,Y) curve stored in the
derived experiment item
Plot base command#
This command plots the original (X,Y) curve, that is stored in the
experiment item
from which new data are derived.
Grab command#
This command may be used to update the selection defined in the
textfield, by clicking on various regions of the original
curve. The corresponding dialog is shown in the next figure. Selection
of single points, or portions of the curve included between two selected
points, are allowed. Also, options to either erase or add to the
selection criterion already defined in the Selection
textfield are
Program command#
This command edits the Zprogram script used to generate the derived
results when the program
option is selected.
Filter command#
This command opens the Loess filter parameters dialog
that allows to
set various parameters involved in the smoothing algorithm
applied when the filter
option is selected.
Cancel command#
This command closes the dialog without further modification to the
current derived
experiment item
Add composite experiment dialog#
This type of experiment item
is used to re-generate multi-columns
data from (X-Y) curves stored in base
derived experiment items
. The main usage of those is to define
multiaxial and/or anisothermal simulation loadings as described in Simulations/Define load block from exp.
Composite items
store data of the form (X,Y1,…,Y\(n\)),
where \(n\) is the number of non-composite experiment items
are pasted together. The Y\(i\) values are calculated from the Y
values of the \(i^{th}\) non-composite item, and the X values are
computed as a combination of available X values in the latter items.
Definition of composite experiment items
uses the dialog shown in
the next figure.
The Name
textfield defines the name of the item in the database. A
default name is assigned at creation, that should be changin Simulations/Define load block from exp.omething more meaningful by the user.
By default, two non-composite items are used in the definition. The
corresponding combo boxes are filled with the name of all non-composite
items defined previously in the database, and a particular item in this
list should be selected in both cases. The Add Y command
allows to
add an unlimited number of non-composite experiment items
in the
definition. Activation of this command adds a new combo box in the
dialog, that allows to select the name of the new experiment added.
Three modes of generation are available :
use Y master mode
. If this mode is selected the master curve must be specified in theY master
textfield. The rank of the master curve within the list of non-composite items defining thecomposite experiment item
is expected. In this case, the X values of thecomposite item
generated will correspond to those of the master curve. Y values associated to slave curves will be computed by linear interpolation if no data is available at the current X coordinate.intersection mode
. Only points for which the X values correspond in the curves added in thecomposite item
will be generated.union mode
. The X values generated will be an union of the X values available in the curves added in thecomposite item
. Linear interpolation is used to calculate missing Y values.
The Y plot
textfield allows to specify which Y value will be plotted
when the Plot
is hit. The Edit command
edits an
ASCII file with the generated results.
Let us assume that the experimental data define a multiaxial
(sig11,sig12) loading. Two base experiment items
are extracted from
the experimental file, one for each component of the loading, as shown
in the next figure. Note that both sig11 and sig12 are periodic, but the
loading is out of phase.
Derived experiment items
are then generated with the filter
option (see LOESS) to extract only the loading extremum points.
Next a composite item
is defined to store both components of the
filtered multiaxial loading. The corresponding input is shown in the
next figure. The union
option has been selected.
The new curves obtained are shown hereafter. The output includes a point corresponding to each extremum point of the 2 out of phase loading components, and can be used to define a valid multiaxial simulation loading.