

This command creates a 2D mesh from an existing boundary set (bset). Currently, it only handles bset on the \(x-y\) plane, and linear elements.

In a certain way, it does the opposite of an **extension.


The command has the following syntax:

**bset_to_mesh \(~\,\) *bset_name bset-name \(~\,\) *new_mesh_name resulting-geof-name [ *keep_bset liset-name(s) ]


is the name of the bset to consider.


is the name of the resulting geof file.


is a list of existing lisets to keep in the 2D mesh.


 ***mesh tmp.geof
  **open tube3D.geof

   *bset_name face.1
   *new_mesh_name tube_section.geof