This command indicates that debug output will be included during the
run. This is primarily for user-defined functions and behavior models
using the prn
set of C++ functions. The command will also print
out the active list of auto-load keywords so one may verify if a
particular function is loaded with the Z-mat/ABAQUS link.
Output from the debug statements will be in a file named OUT
located in the given directory (full path). If no path is given, and the
library is unable to determine the problem directory, the full path of
the output file is /tmp/OUT
. This path sometimes helps to get around
the problem copying to a scratch directory by ABAQUS.
[ path ]
\(~\,~\,\) [ *local_debug
ele gp ]
\(~\,~\,\) [ *flags
flags ]
\(~\,~\,\) [ *limit_debug_time
st end ]
where path is the path to use for storing the OUT
debug file.
localize the debug output to a given element number and a given Gauss point number.
Set flags for the internal int DeBuG. This is used control what gets printed. One can use the
to make certain debug selections. See the developer manual for more information.*limit_debug_time
Limit the time for debug output. Give the start and end time for debug output in the solution time scale.
The following example is taken from material input file
located in test database directory
*integration runge_kutta 1.e-3 1.e-3