The ***shell
option allows to declare external (system) commands to be executed before the evaluation of the function to be optimized. These jobs are done using a posix system
call. Use the ***zrun
command if the job is a Z-set calculation (using Zrun), because it will not launch a whole new executable.
***shell Zmat -fg test1 >& /dev/null
abaqus post job=test1 input=test1.jnl >& /dev/null
awk '{print $3, $4/100.0}' test1.test > result
One can also make up a script with the shell commands, for a bit more flexibility:
# From EXAMPLES-ZBB/Inverse-aba-thermal/Levenberg/RUN
Zmat -fg nt4xx28c
PLT nt4xx28c 2>&1 > /dev/null
cat nt4xx28c.test
exit 0