

The ***auto_remesh section is derived from ***initialize_with_transfer and allows automatic remeshing during a computation without stopping it. This is a backbone feature for crack propagation or computations using adaptive mesh.

Basically the auto_remesh bloc of commands is divided into:

  • mesher commands controlling the remesh process.

  • timing commands that trigger the automatic remeshing.

  • transfer commands that specify how to transfer data between original and modified meshes.


  • The use of the Z8 output database is mandatory.

  • auto_remesh transfer only variables that have been saved to the output database. To transfer all variables, one should use **save_all command in ***output command bloc

  • The graphical interface scripts Zcracks and Zxfem may be used to handle crack propagation problems and automatically generate input data for this command.


***auto_remesh takes a number of ***initialize_with_transfer controls, and some additional specific commands.

***auto_remesh [ **output_after_remesh] [ **no_deform_mesh] [ **each_incr] [ **frequency] \(~\,~\,\) *  ... [**remeshing_criterion criterion ] \(~\,\) **mesher_commands \(~\,~\,~\,\) … % below options are inherited from initialize_with_transfer [ **quiet] [ **reequilibrium \(~\,~\,\) *algo algorithm \(~\,~\,\) *ratio convergence \(~\,~\,\) *iter max_iterations ] [ **skip_nodal_transfer ] [ **skip_integ_transfer ] [ **nodal_var_transfer [ *mapping mapping_method ] ] [ **integ_var_transfer [ *integ_transfer transfer_method ] ]


save the results of the transfer to the database. With this option, Z8 database will contain two copies of the same results: the original data on the original mesh, and the transferred data on the new mesh obtained as a result of the specified mesher commands.


use initial configuration of the old mesh to locate the nodes/IP of current mesh (if not specified, the default behavior is to use deformed mesh)


force remeshing on each increment of current computation.


used to trigger the remeshing process, for more sub options see


a more general remeshing triggerr. The possible criterion are summarized below








mesh manipulators commands see for usable commands.


%% AUTO_REMESH options
   *at_time 0.02
  **integ_var_transfer default
   *locator bb_tree
   *integ_transfer nearest_gp_corrected
   *min_size  0.2
  **nset enc
   *use_bset enc

This example can be found in Crack_test/INP/cube_2cracks.inp

  Solver.OutputFormat  Z8
  Zmaster.OutputFormat Z8

  *d_cycle 1
  *cycle_period 2.0
  *at 2.0
 **save TO_REMESH.geo
  *mesher cube_2cracks.inp
  *geo_in TO_REMESH.geo
  *geo_out REMESHED.geo
  *advance cube_2cracks.adv
 **open REMESHED.geo
