

This command serves a launching script for the Z-mat/LS-Dyna coupled simulations. The LS-Dyna interface requires compilation of a custom executable by the user before running. This executable is installed into the PUBLIC directory of the Z-mat distribution, which is where this script looks for it.

This command pipes all the console messages to a log file in the current working directory for reference.


% Zlsdyna [options]problem   \(\hookleftarrow\)


The problem name problem should be the full file name, and not just the prefix. The lsdyna equivalent command line parameter will be I=problem.

The command line options are as follows:




try to automatically copy prob.zmat to the umat41 file.


run in debugger

-opt opt

Add regular cmd line option opt to the LS-Dyna execution

-mpid <cpu>

pass a number of CPUs to be passed to the MPP solver


run single precision version