

This command creates the mesh of a rectangular plate with a hole (circular or elliptical).


**mesh_quarter_plate_hole \(~\,\) *ncut_radius nc_r \(~\,\) *ncut_theta nc_t \(~\,\) *size_square half_edge \(~\,\) *size_hole radius \(~\,\) *nb_reg nlayer \(~\,\) [ *quad] \(~\,\) [ *geometrical_progression prog \(~\,\) [ *anisotropy edge_aniso ] \(~\,\) [ *hole_anisotropy rad_ani ] \(~\,\) [ *balance_nodes ]


Number of subdivisions along the radius.


Number of subdivisions along theta.


Edge length/2 of the square.


Radius of the circular hole.


Number (integer) of layers with the same hole roundness. It allows a smooth mesh transtion from the hole to the square corner.


A boolean to activate quadratic interpolation (By default, it is linear).


progressive evolution of the position of nodes.


For rectangular plates. The length and the width of the rectangle are 2 * half_edge and (2 * half_edge * edge_aniso ) is multiplied by edge length to obtain .


For elliptical holes. The length of the first axis is multiplied by the value of rad_ani


Uniform distribution (along theta) of the nodes in the case of a rectangular plate.


 ***mesh quarter.geof
   *ncut_radius 10
   *ncut_theta 10
   *size_square 1.00000
   *size_hole 0.400000
   *nb_reg 3

 ***mesh half.geof
  **open quarter.geof
   *type line
   *normal (-1. 0. 0.)
   *add quarter.geof

 ***mesh plate_w_hole.geof
  **open half.geof
   *type line
   *normal (0. -1. 0.)
   *add half.geof