

The goal is there to define the stack sequence when a layer element (c3d16l for instance) is used.


**layer_orientation \(~\,\) *elset name_elset \(~\,\) *stack_sequence number_of_layer \(~\,~\,\) frame_1 \(~\,~\,\) frame_2 \(~\,~\,\) … [ *elset_rotation frame ] [ *element_rotation_script name_script ]


character name of the element set. This must be the name of a valid elset defined in the geometry file.


(integer) gives the number of layers of the element defined in name_elset. This number must be consistent with the one defined in ***mesh.


used to indicate the type of stack, Define the rotation from the laboratory coordinate system (in which the material behavior is defined) to the coordinate system of the ply. Use Euler angle (see page ) or a around the y axis.

*elset_rotation frame

These rotations are defined using Euler angles. It gives the rotations to change the coordinate system from the global coordinates to the element coordinates (see example) gives the rotations to change the coordinate system from the global coordinates to the element coordinates using a Zlanguage script (see page ).


First example :
The following example define a laminate composite (0,+45). The material is defined in the global coordinate system such as the fiber direction is z.
   *elset ALL_ELEMENT
  *stack_sequence y_axis 2
   0. 45.
   0. 0. 0.

For a material define such as 1 is the direction of fibers, 2 and 3 are equivalent

***behavior linear_elastic
         **elasticity orthotropic
                  y1111 1.63339e+05
                  y2222 1.02212e+04
                  y3333 1.02212e+04
Second example :
The next figure shows an example such as the laminate composite is defined by a the (0,+45) stack sequence, and the elset is rotated at 90 around the z axis.
   *elset ALL_ELEMENT
  *stack_sequence y_axis 2
   0. 45.
   90. 0. 0.