

This command-line program launches a license utility to manage floating licenses, enquire into the current server status, and suspend/resume jobs. The command works in an equivalent way on Linux and Windows. The program is interactive and allows manipulation of the jobs running from a license standpoint.

In order to kill a job, the license utility needs to be run as that user, or one of the super-users (not system superuser but Z-set declared super-user) declared in the $Z7PATH/lib/managers file.


% Zlicense_utility [-rem] \(\hookleftarrow\)

An example run of the license utility produces the following:

user.example.com[157]% Zlicense_utility
--- current license list --------------------
   1      running   fem user example.com:24302
--- end of license list ---------------------

  k <id>  Kill license (and req process to stop)
  l       Re-load license list
  r <id>  Resume license
  s <id>  Suspend license
  q       Quit


The optional switch -rem prints the remaining license tokens

-------------------- current license status --------------------
fem: Using 0 out of 500 licenses, 500 remaining
m:   Using 0 out of 500 licenses, 500 remaining
G:   Using 0 out of 500 licenses, 500 remaining
o:   Using 0 out of 500 licenses, 500 remaining
S:   Using 0 out of 500 licenses, 500 remaining
pp:  Using 0 out of 500 licenses, 500 remaining
zbbhpc:      Using 1 out of 500 licenses, 499 remaining
PP:  Using 4 out of 500 licenses, 496 remaining
glue:        Using 0 out of 500 licenses, 500 remaining
-------------------- end of license status ---------------------