Optimization items management#
The Optimizations command
allows to build interactively input files
for the Zopt module (see the Zmat user manual for a complete reference
on this program). An optimization item
is based on a comparison
between a simulation item
and an experiment item
, to fit the
simulation to the experiment by adjusting simulation variables.
Note that optimization procedures defined can be launched either from this dialog, or from the Variables Panel dialog.
Optimizations management dialog#
The main dialog is shown in the following figure. The selection tree
allows to select Optimization items
to apply appropriate commands
Add opt command#
This command may be used to create a new optimization item
in the
database by opening the Add
/Mod optimization dialog
(see add_opt).
Mod opt command#
This command edits the selected optimization item
. By hitting the
Mod opt command
, the user opens the
/Mod optimization dialog
that allows to change the definition
of the item (see add_opt).
Fuse opt command#
This command allows to paste the comparisons between experimental and
simulation results that define the different optimization items
selected. By fusing the selected optimization items
, the user will
create a new optimization item
containing all the comparisons. Note
that a simple copy is obtained if a single optimization item
Del opt command#
This command deletes from the database all the optimization items
selected in the Optimization items selection tree
Run command#
This command launches the optimization selected in the
Optimization items selection
using the Zopt module. The
optimization runs in a separate execution thread and can be stopped at
any moment using the Stop command
. When the optimization terminates,
either because of convergence or by activation of the Stop command
a window is opened showing the best values found by the optimizer, as
shown in the next figure.
The Go
button must be clicked if the user does want to update the
database with the optimized values. Otherwise, values are
left unchanged.
Stop command#
This command stops the optimization that is currently running in a
separate thread. As described above, a window is popup, that proposes to
update the Variables
database with the best values found until the
Stop command
was hit.
Plot cost command#
This command plots the evolution of the cost function associated with comparisons between experimental and simulation results during optimization iterations. The command can be activated to check the convergence while the optimizer is currently running.
Plot comp#
This command draws comparisons between experimental and simulation
results that define the optimization item
selected. The command can
be activated when the optimizer is running to visualize the current
distance between experimental and simulation curves.
Plot sim#
This command draws all plots attached to the simulations involved in the selected optimization.
Plot var#
This command plots the evolution of the variables activated by the
currently selected optimization item
Cancel command#
This command closes the Optimizations management dialog
further modification to the database.
Add/Mod Optimization dialog#
Optimization items
are created or modified by means of the
/Mod optimization
shown in the next figure.
The following sub-items can be modified :
The name of the
Optimization item
defined in theName
textfield. A default name is given at creation, that should be modified to something more meaningful to the user.The optimization method that can be selected by means of the combo box at the top of the dialog. The following methods are available (see the Optimization Chapter of the Zmat manual for a complete reference) :
Levenberg-Marquardt : gradient-driven algorithm, particularly suitable to the minimization of least-squares type cost functions. This algorithm does not support optimization constraint.
Nelder-Mead : heuristic method that does not need gradient computation. The implementation supports optimization constraints and may be preferred to Levenberg-Marquardt when gradients calculated by perturbation are too imprecise or too costly to compute. Convergence may be slow however when the number of variables is increased.
Augmented-Lagrangian : this classic gradient-driven method should be used instead of Levenberg-Marquardt when optimization constraints are needed.
Evolution : a genetic algorithm implementation, that can be preferred to the previous methods to escape local optima. Note however that activating this method largely increases the number of iterations needed for convergence.
Single : a tool that performs a single optimization iteration, and is provided to verify the validity of input data.
A list of
comparison items
(between experimental and simulation results), managed by means of theComparison items selection box
, and its associated commands.A list of optimization constraints managed by means of the
Constraint items
selection box
, and its associated commands.
The following sub-commands can be activated from this dialog.
Add comp command#
This command opens the Add
/Mod comparison dialog
(see Optimizations/Add comp) to add
a new comparison item
in the definition of the optimization problem.
Mod comp command#
This command edits the comparison item
selected in the
Comparison items selection
and opens the
/Mod comparison dialog
(see Optimizations/Add comp) for modification.
Del comp command#
This command removes all the comparison items
selected from the
definition of the optimization problem.
Add const command#
This command opens the Add
/Mod constraint dialog
(see Optimizations/Add const) to add
a new constraint item
in the definition of the optimization problem.
Mod const command#
This command edits the constraint item
selected in the
Constraint items selection
and opens the
/Mod constraint dialog
(see Optimizations/Add const) for modification.
Del const command#
This command removes all the constraint items
selected from the
definition of the optimization problem.
Go command#
This command updates the database with the optimization item
informations included in the dialog.
Edit inp command#
This command opens the Zopt input file generated automatically by the
application from the informations defined in the dialog. The various
convergence parameters allowed by the optimization method selected
should be changed directly in the input file under the
***convergence section
. Default values are provided that may be
adequate in the majority of cases, so this operation is seldom needed.
The Optimization chapter of the Zmat manual describes the parameters
available to finely tune the optimization algorithm. Note that other
sections of the input file are automatically regenerated each time the
optimization item
is updated with the Go command
, so there is no
use to manually modify the commands included in those sections.
Plot comp command#
This command plots all the comparison items
selected in the
Comparison items
selection box
This command closes the Add
/Mod optimization dialog
further modification to the database.
Add/Mod Comparison dialog#
This dialog allows to add or modify a new comparison item
in the
definition of the optimization problem. A comparison item
is built
from two curves corresponding respectively to the experimental data and
the simulation results. The least-square distance between those two
curves is added to the cost function of the optimization problem.
The next figure shows the sub-items manipulated by this dialog.
The following sub-items can be modified :
textfield may be used to modify the influence of the current comparison among all the comparisons of the selected optimization. Default value is 1. Filling theWeight
textfield with a value greater than the default value will also increase the weight of the current comparison in the global cost function minimized by the optimizer.The
checkbox allows to deactivate the comparison without having to remove it from the definition of the optimization problem by theDel comp command
(default value is active).
The comparison method can be selected by means of the combo box. The following methods are available (see the Optimization Chapter of the Zmat manual for a complete reference) :
: standard comparison method with a time-weighted averaging.g_file_file
: generalized-file-file method, based on point densities, where the user has to consider the distribution of comparison points in order to control the quality of error estimation.weight_file_file
: comparison method especially adapted to theSet weights
. This method takes into account the weights locally assigned to points by user, soweight_file_file
must be selected to activate theSet weights
: comparison method adapted to the particular cases for which experimental data have several points defined by the same abscissa.
The selection tree on the left is used to select the simulation item
(within the ones defined beforehand by means of the
Simulations command ) used to generate the simulation curve.
Selecting a simulation item
has the effect to fill the two combo
boxes at the bottom of the dialog with the names of the output
components selected for this particular simulation (see Simulations/Define Output).
A particular component must then be chosen for the X and Y values by means of these
combo boxes to complete the definition of the simulation curve.
experiment item
(within the ones defined beforehand by means of
the Experiments command) that defines the experimental
curve.Go command#
This command updates the comparison item
in the definition of the
optimization problem with the informations included in the dialog.
Plot command#
This command draws on the same plot the experimental and simulation
curves used to build the comparison item
. The use of this command is
strongly recommended to verify the validity of the comparison. Note
however that the simulation should have been launched once beforehand
for the corresponding simulation curve to be plotted.
Set weights command#
Set point weights dialog
that allows to
assign to each point of the simulation curve a specific weight taken
into account by the weight_file_file
comparison method.Set point weights dialog
. The comparison curve is plotted on the
left of the graphics area, and the weight curve on the right.In the Set points weights dialog
the following sub-items can be
modified :
textfield may be used to define the weight value assigned to the current point selection. Default value is 1.The
textfield defines the precision the points of the weight curve will be selected with. Default value is \(10^{-8}\).Two modes of selection are allowed, the particular type chosen being specified by means of the checkbox included in the dialog.
Between two points
mode adds to the current point selection all the points located between the two selected points. This mode may be used to assign specific weight values to some regions of the comparison curve.Point by point
mode adds the particular selected point to the current point selection. This mode may be used to assign specific weight values to some critical points.
The following sub-commands may be activated from this dialog.
button updates the weight of the current point selection with the value given in theweight
button must be clicked to initialize the point selection, using theBetween
two points
orPoint by point
selection mode. Points can then be added to the current point selection by clicking either on the comparison curve on the left or on the weight curve on the right of the graphics area.The
button must be clicked to close the point selection, using theBetween two
orPoint by point
selection mode.The
button updates the consideredcomparison item
in the definition of the optimization problem with the default values.The
button closes theSet point weights dialog
without further modification to the database.
Cancel command#
This command closes the Add
/Mod comparison dialog
further modification to the database.
Add/Mod Constraint dialog#
This dialog is used to create or modify optimization constraints. Constrained optimization problems have the following general form :
Note that only inequality constraints \(g_j(x_i) \leq 0\) are currently supported. In this framework, two types of constraints may be defined :
Variable Constraints
defined as functions of the optimization variables ;Comparison Constraints
that can be used to specify that the simulation response should correspond exactly to the experimental curve at some critical points.
The dialog is illustrated in the following figure.
A name can be assigned to the constraint item
in the Name
textfield, while the lambda0
textfield is used to specify the
initial value of the Lagrange multiplier (or penalization para-meter)
assigned to the constraint (default value is 1.0).
Other parameters depend on the type of constraint selected, specified by means of the checkbox on the right of the dialog :
Variables Constraints
The function \(g_j(x_i)\) of the optimization variables \(x_i\) should be defined in the
Constraint (variable)
textfield. Most mathematical functions of thelibc
library are allowed in the definition.Example
For a behavior with two nonlinear kinematic hardenings defined by parameters (C1,D1) and (C2,D2), one may use a constraint to specify that the saturation rate of the first mechanism (parameter D1) should be ten times higher than the second one (parameter D2). Two
Variable constraints
are necessary to enforce such an equality constraint :10.0*D2 - D1 D1 - 10.0*D2
Comparison Constraints
Definition of such constraints is based upon
comparison items
described in the previous section (see Optimizations/Add comp). All comparisons added beforehand in the definition of the optimization problem are included in the dialog selection box, where the user can choose the particular item needed. The point for which the experimental and numerical response should be equal is specified by entering the corresponding coordinate along the X axis in theX (comparison)
textfield. Note that deactivated comparisons (by means of theactive
checkfield as described at comp:active) are allowed in the definition.The
button plots the comparison curves in the graphics area, where the constraint X coordinate can then be defined by a simple click on the region of interest. This mode can be closed by hitting theStop grab
The dialog shown in the next figure illustrates the definition of such a comparison constraint.
The following sub-commands may be activated from this dialog.
Go command#
This command updates the constraint item
in the definition of the
optimization problem with the informations included in the dialog.
Plot command#
This command plots in the graphics area the curve of the selected
comparison item
Cancel command#
This command closes the Add
/Mod Constraint dialog
further modification to the database.