The ***initialize_with_transfer
section allows to initialize a
computation from the results of a previous one which have the same
material variables. This feature is mainly used when one needs to modify
the geometry of the problem and continue the computation.
takes a number of main control commands,
and sub-blocks defining the results fields transfer method.
[ **format
result_format ]
\(~\,\) **old_problem
\(~\,\) **map
[ **use_deformed_mesh
[ **dont_use_deformed_mesh
[ **put_nodes_back
[ **quiet
[ **initial_time
time ]
[ **auto_resume
[ **reequilibrium
\(~\,~\,\) *algo
\(~\,~\,\) *ratio
\(~\,~\,\) *iter
[ **skip_nodal_transfer
[ **skip_integ_transfer
[ **nodal_var_transfer
\(~\,\) [ *mapping
mapping_method ]
[ **integ_var_transfer
\(~\,\) [ *integ_transfer
transfer_method ]
defines the imported results format. If this option is omitted, the default Z7 format is assumed.
defines the name of the results database to transfer to current computation.
defines the results map to transfer.
use deformed configuration of the old mesh to locate the nodes/IP of current mesh (assumed TRUE if not specified).
use initial configuration of the old mesh to locate the nodes/IP of current mesh (use this to disable previous).
when a deformed mesh is used (use_deformed_mesh) this option allows to retrieve the initial non deformed configuration on the current mesh by subtracting the transferred displacement.
run silently without extra messages (default is a more verbose mode).
set the initial time for the current computation. If this option is omitted, the default initial time is 0.
set the initial time for the current computation to be the last time step available in loaded results.
run a “zero delta time” increment of computation at the end of transfer to retrieve equilibrium. This command has the same syntax as **sequence.
disable the transfer of nodal variables (assumed FALSE if not specified)
disable the transfer of IP variables (assumed FALSE if not specified).
choose the method and its parameters for transferring nodal variables (use default nodal transfer options if not specified).
allow to transfer nodal variables between meshes of different dimensions (no mapping if not specified). The possible mapping methods are summarized:
Mapping method
the results from 2D computation are mapped to 3D mesh assuming extrusion along z direction.
the results from 1D axisymmetric computation are mapped to 2D mesh assuming revolution around y direction.
the results from 2D axisymmetric computation are mapped to 3D mesh assuming revolution around y direction.
choose the method and its parameters for transferring IP variables (if not specified, IP variables are extrapolated to the nodes then transferred as nodal variables by nodal interpolation, finally they are interpolated back to integration points).
The possible transfer methods are summarized:
Transfer method
for each integration point in the current mesh, locate the nearest one in the loaded initialization mesh and simply copy the value to transfer.
in this mode, we add a correction step after nearest gp, where the correction try to enforce the compatibility between transferred DOF and the IP variables. To achieve that, a local integration of the behavior is done using the difference between the transferred gradient and the one recomputed from transferred DOF.
two types of moving least square interpolations are provided: linear and quadratic (which is the default one). To choose an interpolation type add : linear_2D, linear_3D, default_2D, default_3D.
This example can be found in Transfer_test/INP/TransferQuadra.2.inp
**old_problem TransferQuadra.1.ut
**format Z7
*to_file xx.geof
The same example modified to use moving least square
**old_problem TransferQuadra.1.ut
**format Z7
*to_file xx.geof
**integ_var_transfer default
*integ_transfer moving_least_square default_2D