

This command splits a linear tetrahedral mesh into smaller tetrahedral elements. It consists of splitting all edges at the middle, and dividing all initial tetrahedral elements into 8 smaller ones.


**split_tetra \(~\,\) [ *check_orientation ] \(~\,\) [ *check_mesh ] \(~\,\) [ *remove_orphan ] \(~\,\) [ *keep_old_nsets ] \(~\,\) [ *keep_old_nsets_start_with prefix1prefixN ]


A flag to check the orientation of tetrahedral elements. The first face normal should be oriented “inside-bounds”.


to check that the mesh contain only linear tetrahedral elements c3d4.


A flag to remove orphan nodes.


A flag to keep node sets in the new mesh.


A list of nset to keep, whose names start with the given prefixes.


An example can be found in $Z7TEST/Mesher_test/INP/remesh_tetra_one.inp
