

This command is used to ensure “zero” gap between the nodes of the contact surfaces of a zone. A “zero” gap is acheived by moving the slave nodes. This can be used to correct any small penetrations or close small gaps resulting from geometric/mesh considerations.


**adjust_contact \(~\,\) *zone slave1 master1 clearance1 \(~\,\)\(~\,\) *zone slaveN masterN clearanceN

For each contact zone, one should specify the slave node set and the master boundary set. Only nodes of the slave surface that are within the clearance distance in the initial geometry are moved onto the master surface. If the value of the clearance is not specified, all slave nodes will be considered for adjustment.


   bottom_slave top_master 0.1


If the clearance value is not appropriately chosen, such as a very large value, it can lead to the creation of badly deformed elements.
