

This command serves as a launching script for Ansys/Z-mat coupled simulations. The script looks at the users environment variables to attempt to determine the version and the path of ANSYS installation. These environment variables named e.g. ANSYS10.0_DIR are set by default from the ANSYS installation. In any instance the user can override the default search by using a variable Z7_ANSYS_DIR and Z7_ANSYS_VER (the two must be set together). This script (shell script in Linux and .bat file in Windows) launches another script located at $Z7PATH/lib/Scripts/Zansys.z7p.

By default the script is configured to run ansys multiphysics (product license key ANE3FL). The user can adjust this key either by modifying the script, or by setting an environment variable Z7_ANSYS_PROD.


% Zansys [options]problem   \(\hookleftarrow\)

The problem name problem should be the full file name, and not just the prefix. The command line options are as follows:



-mpi cpu

run distributed memory parallel job (MPI) using multiple CPU option

-smp cpu

run shared memory parallel job using multiple cpu option

-sdv0 file

initialize SDVs from a results database named file


do not include the input commands in the output file


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