These behavior objects are specific to the elastic and viscoplastic anisotropic damage models. They allow different types of damage variable to be used easily, and in combination. All the coefficients and functions entered here are local to the each damage object, and must therefore be input for all applicable objects even if the coefficients have the same meaning.
[ type ]
[ *use_e_bar
[ *dont_use_e_bar
[ *eta
<COEFFICIENT> ] % default 1.0
[ *K_coeffs
\(~V_{1}~V_2~V_3~V_4~V_5~V_6~V_7~V_8\) ]
[ *g
where type may be from the following types:
scalar variables with fixed direction |
tensorial variable |
tensorial variable |
Makes the calculation of \(Y\) or \(\bf Y\) use the \(\overline{\bf \varepsilon}\) tensor in place of \(\bf eel\).
use \(\bf eel\) to calculate \(Y\) or \(\bf Y\) in place of \(\overline{\bf \varepsilon}\). This option is currently the default.
coefficients are entered to construct the tensor \(\bf K\) use the compliance matrix (\(\bf S = \tenf D_{el}^{-1}\)) and are as follows:
note that the tensors are stored as
The factors for \(V\) are entered in order after the
keyword is entered. See the behavior descriptions for
matrix form for the \(\bf K\). This input is entered as an
Only one definition for the matrix \(\bf K^0_i\) may be given with
the K_coeffs
or K
. The coefficients correspond directly to the
associate terms marked with a subscript \(i\).
Each scalar damage variable is defined using a “damage direction” input by the user, \(\vect{n}_i\), and an effective fourth order “damage effects” tensor \(\tenf K^0_i\). The modulus modification induced by a scalar damage variable \(i\) is the following:
where \(\delta_i\) is the scalar internal damage variable. The above uses the following terms to measure the degree of opening strain:
The material coefficient \(\eta\) is used to describe the influence of closing on the damage softening.
**damage scalar
\(~\,~\,\) std options
[ *n
<VECTOR> ] % orientation
the directions of the axes of damage for the isotropic variables entered as a vector.
Please see the examples in the anisotropic behaviors aniso_damage
and visco_aniso_damage
<ANISOTROPIC_DAMAGE> elastic_tensorial#
This model using a 2nd order tensorial damage variable is calculated as follows:
where the summation over \(n\) is over the three principal directions of the strain tensor, and \(\tenf D_j\) is a fourth order tensor constructed based on the second order damage variable \(\ten d_j\). This will use the following calculations based on the principal strain eigenvectors \(\vect{p}_n\):
and the fourth order tensors \(\tenf D_j\) are constructed their tensorial variables as: