**process LCF
This process is used to apply a cumulation model for the life prediction under creep-fatigue interaction. The reference number of cycles to failure in pure fatigue and in pure creep must have been previously computed. The number of cycles to failure under creep-fatigue loading is defined as \(N_r\), from the number of cycles to failure under creep \(N_c\) and the number of cycles to failure \(N_f\) . Several cumulation rules can applied, according to users choice:
linear cumulation, LC
\[\frac{1}{N_r} = \frac{1}{N_c} + \frac{1}{N_f}\]bilinear cumulation, BLC
A “knee-point” is defined in the cumulative diagram, from the numerical value of the material coefficients \(Kc\) and \(Kf\) (both values must be between O and 1).
\[\hbox{if}\; \frac{N_c}{N_f} \geq \frac{K_c}{K_f} : \quad \frac{1}{N_r} = \frac{1}{N_f} + \frac{{1 - K_f}}{K_c} \frac{1}{N_f}\]\[\hbox{if}\; \frac{N_c}{N_f} \leq \frac{K_c}{K_f} : \quad \frac{1}{N_r} = \frac{1}{N_c} + \frac{{1 - K_c}}{K_f} \frac{1}{N_c}\]The resulting cumulation rule must : - be equivalent to the linear cumulation rule if \(K_c + K_f =1\) - predict lower life if \(K_c + K_f < 1\) - predict longer life if \(K_c + K_f > 1\)
- nonlinear cumulation, NLCThe cumulation rule uses the quantities \(C=\frac{1}{N_c}\) and \(F=\frac{1}{ N_f}\) to compute damage evolution from \(D_i\) to \(D_f\) in each cycle, according to:\[C = {\left (1-D_i \right )}^{k+1} - {\left ( 1-D \right )}^{k+1}\]\[F = {\left [1-{\left (1-D_f \right )} ^{\beta + 1} \right ]} ^{1-\alpha} - {\left [ 1 - {\left (1-D \right )} ^{\beta + 1} \right ]} ^{1-\alpha}\]
The resulting cumulation rule predicts lower lives than linear cumulation does.
- another nonlinear cumulation, NLC_ONERAThis is the same cumulation rule as previously given. The difference rests in the the coefficient \(\alpha\) which is constant in the mode
and calculated as follows in this mode:\[\alpha = 1 - a \left ( \frac{Dsig/2 - \sigma_l} {\sigma_u - \sigma_{max}} \right )\]with
\[\sigma_l = \sigma_{l0} ( 1 - b1 \overline{tr(\sigma)} )\]
The syntax for this criterion is as follows.
**process LCF
\(~\,\) *mode
\(~\,\) *fatigue
name1 section1
\(~\,\) *creep
name2 section2
[ *initiation
name3 section3 ]
[ *scale lin
| log
The user chooses his method of cumulation among the key words LC
after *mode
. name1 is the name
of the fatigue processor to apply, and name2 the name of the creep
processor. Those which are currently available for fatigue are
, fatigue_E
and fatigue_EE
. The current creep
processor is uniquely creep
. Plug-ins could however be created for
new models of either of these. For each the user indicates after the
processor type a number of post processing section containing the input
for that processor.
The user can add an initiation phase, of which the name and the post
processing section are specified after the option *initiation
. Only
the post-computation initiation
is currently available. The number
of cycles \(N_a\) is then taken into account in the cumulation rule.
The model LC
does not require any material coefficients. Two
coefficients Kc
and Kf
are necessary for the model BLC
three coefficients k
, alpha
and beta
for the model NLC
and five coefficients k
, beta
, a
, sigma_l0
and b1
are required for the model NLC_ONERA
. Some of these coefficients
appear in the criterions for creep or fatigue. In this case the reading
will attempt to find the coefficients in the respective creep or fatigue
sections. For example, the coefficient \(k\) of the mode NLC
will be read in the section **process creep
, if it is present,
otherwise in the section **process LCF
of the material file.
The number of cycles to failure \(N_r\) is called NR_
mode in
the output variables. The user can also ask for a logarithmic scale
which will re-name the output to LNR_
mode. The number of cycles
to failure \(N_f\), \(N_c\) and \(N_a\) are also stored in
the output (see these processors to find the specifics of variable
A complete example with non linear cumulation rule follows:
**process LCF
*mode NLC
*fatigue fatigue_S 2
*creep creep 2
*scale log
% with in an other ****post_processing section
**process creep
*var sig
**process fatigue_S
*var sig
*range 2
*var sig
*method 2
*alpha 0.2
% With the following definition in the material file
% beta and k are readed in their specific section
**process LCF
alpha 0.9
**process fatigue_S
M 980.
beta 2.5
sigma_l 70.
sigma_u 180.
b1 0.003
b2 0.003
**process creep
S0 0.
A 420.
r 10.
k 30.