This behavior provides the Voigt/Taylor homogenization scheme, applied to multi-phase or multi-constituent heterogeneous materials. This model, which is also referred to as the uniform strain model, assumes a uniform total strain field among each sub-volume and the homogeneous macroscopic medium:
where \(\boldsymbol{E}\) and \(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}\) are respectively the macroscopic strain and stress tensors. \(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_i\) and \(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_i\) are respectively the local total strain and stress in the sub-volume \(i\). The volume fraction of sub-volume \(i\) is denoted by \(f_i\) and \(n\) is the number of sub-volumes.
***behavior voigt
\(~\,\) **material
volume_fraction name | **material_in_file <file>
\(~\,\) [ *integration
method ]
\(~\,\) [ *rotation
ROTATION ] | [ *rotation_list
\(~\,\) [ *volume_fraction_file
<file> ]
\(~\,~\,\) *material
etc …
***behavior voigt
%%%%%%%%%% Large deformation %%%%%%%%%%
%***behavior voigt_fs
%For the large deformation, the keyword "voigt\_fs" must be used instead of "voigt".
**material 0.5 m1
*file voigt_elas2.inp 2
**material 0.5 m2
*file voigt_elas2.inp 3
***behavior linear_elastic
**elasticity young 200000. poisson 0.3
***behavior linear_elastic
**elasticity young 100000. poisson 0.3