

This command marks the start of an input section for the post processor. More than one section of this type can be in the same input file problem.inp. By default, it is the first section which is executed, and commands are read until the next command which begins with 4 asterisks.

The execution command is (see options for Zrun in Zman intro):

Zrun -pp prob

In order to execute other post processing sections in the same file, use the -N option. For example:

Zrun -N 3 -pp prob

will execute the third section of ****post_processing in the file prob.inp.


A post processing file will generally include *** star commands which adjust the operation of the post computations, and different sections of ***local_post_processing and ***global_post_processing sections defining the operations to be performed.

****post_processing \(~\,\) ***precision num \(~\,\) ***data_source source-type \(~\,\) ***data_output output-type \(~\,\) ***global_parameter \(~\,\) ***suppress_p_on_post_files \(~\,\) ***post_file_prefix prefix \(~\,\) ***local_post_processing \(~\,~\,\) ... \(~\,\) ***global_post_processing \(~\,~\,\) ... ****return

Commands which are essentially flags or adjustments to the ****post_processing process follow:


After this option one can include global parameter statements as if they were in a zsetrc file. Please see the Z-set/Release Notes manual for more information under the Reference/Adjustable parameters section.


This option is used to re-map element types in the mesh to a different (post-processable) type. The command takes a series of elset-name and elem-type pairs to do the mapping.


used to set what the output files should be named as. This option makes the output look like another problem from the original input problem.


set the precision for formatted output of real values.


this option indicates that the post data files should not have a suffix -p in the set of files used. This option can be used to stack multiple post computations together when combined with the ***post_file_prefix command. One can also use the ***data_output command to a similar effect.

The following additional commands will often be used in multiple instances, and are all discussed in their own documentation sections. The local and post processing commands follow other *** options because they both have many sub-options for all the computation types.


allows the user to ask the post-processor to read its input data from one of many different source formats (see documentation in following sections).


more than one instance of this option allows outputting results to different formats.


Start a sequence of parameters and commands defining the type of global post treatment to be applied.


Start a sequence of parameters and commands defining the type of local post treatment to be applied.


A complete post processing file follows to show the basic structure of the input options all together.

 ***precision 6
  **file integ
  **material_file creep.inp
  **elset ALL_ELEMENT
  **output_number 1-100
  **process mises
   *var sig
  **process eigen2
   *var sig
  **process trace
   *var sig
  **process average
   *list_var sigmises sigp1 sigp2 sigp3 sigii
  **output_number 1-100
  **process creep
   *var sig
  **process creep
   *var sig
   *express_life_as time
  **output_number 1
  **process average
   *list_var NC_S TC_S