

This command is used to smooth crack front volume (see cfv_build) after remeshing process. It imposes a same distance between each node of the front and adapt the geometry of the volume meshed around the front. It can also be used only to smooth an nset around the front using projection on the crack front geometry. It the 3D crack propagation with remeshing process this command should be used after propag_crack command and before any remeshing command (yams_ghs3d).


The command has the following syntax:

**regularize_cfv \(~\,\) *liset crack-front-liset \(~\,\) [ *cut_desc nset-name nset-number ] \(~\,\) [ *nset nset-name ]


gives the crack front liset.


describes the crack front volume, using such format: nset-name0, nset-name1nset-name(nset-number-1).


gives the name of the nset on which regularization should be done (if no CFV is given).
