

This command is used to impose degrees of freedom which are defined at element integration points. These DOFs are commonly part of mixed formulations, such as pressure-displacement, and plane-stress elements.


**impose_element_dof \(~\,~\,\) elset  dof  value  table


Making a 2.5 D case of planar displacements and an imposed \(\epsilon_{33}\) strain formulation.

***mesh plane_stress
     bottom U2 0.
     top    U2 1. time
     left   U1 0.
  **impose_element_dof 1 EZ 1.e-3 time

Element DOFs are also imposed for the RVE elements, with a full strain tensor being the element DOFs.

  ALL_ELEMENT E12 1. time


This command allows to impose element DOFs on a rate basis. It applies the instantaneous value of a DOF multiplied by time increment. The syntax is similar to the previous command:

**impose_element_dof_rate \(~\,~\,\) elset  dof  value  table


This example provides a comparison between **impose_element_dof_rate

   ALL_ELEMENT F22  2.0 time

and **impose_element_dof

   ALL_ELEMENT F22  2.0 time % i.e. F22 will be incremented by 2 starting from 1.

For example at \(time=1\), the value of \(F_{22}-2\) to be imposed is 2. But for rate based boundary condition, it is interpreted as the rate and the value to be applied is 2 multiplied by \(\Delta t=0.1\).