

This utility is used to dump FORGE or REM3D databases and translate the results into Z-set format for further post-processing or for initial state initialization at the beginning of the Finite Element simulation. The main purpose of this utility is to read and concatenate two or more FORGE result files stored on the same mesh, to produce a single Z-set results database. To read single FORGE or REM3D result files, an alternative method is to use ****post_processing with ***data_source option, as described on page .


This utility works as follows:

****forge   ***input input_database_name[.fg3 | .may | .in3]   ***output output_name   [ ***prefix input_database_prefix ]   [ ***mat zmat_file_name ]   [ ***from incr_id ]

The execution command is:

Zrun -forge file .inp

It will store results as output_name.ut, output_name.node, output_name.integ.


specifies the name of the FORGE result database.


specifies the name of the resulting Z-set database.


is the filename prefix of the FORGE results files, this keyword is used when multiple FORGE results are to be dumped and concatenated.


Z-mat material file name for SDV names translation. This option can be used when translating Z-mat/Forge simulation results.


selection of specific maps starting from given FORGE increment.


The following example translates mesh as well as nodal and elemental results from FORGE computation :

 ***input upper_die_0d50.fg3
 ***output zset_results

The following example will concatenate multiple FORGE results files with prefix upper_die_0d, to produce a single Z-set results database :

***prefix upper_die_0d
***output z_upper_die