

This command, used for parallel computations, allows to modify the problem.cut and problem.cu files.


**modify_mesh_and_cut \(~\,\) *enable_node_renumbering \(~\,\) *store_node_renumbering \(~\,\) *store_nodes \(~\,\) [ *build_interfaces ]


writes the ***renumbering option in the problem.cut and problem.cu files to enable subdomain Metis renumbering (see **metis_renumbering ) at runtime. This option should be used only with the sparse direct linear solvers.


renumbers all subdomains using Metis renumbering and writes the new subdomain nodes order in the problem.cut and problem.cu files.


writes for each subdomain the list of nodes which belong to the subdomain (without any renumbering operation). This list is always written in the problem.cut and problem.cu files using the ONERA splitmesh program.


Builds interfaces between adjacent subdomains (If the splitter did not create them).


Since version 8.3 the sparse solvers renumber internally so the node renumbering parts of this command are no longer of importance. The *store_nodes command will however prevent an “on the fly” calculation of the interface nodes, perhaps saving some calculation time.