

This option allows one to give the initial values for internal or auxiliary material variables. This option allows specifying any of the material variables, and thus depends on the individual material model. Common uses are to give the initial porosity or damage for initially porous or pre-damaged materials.


The syntax for this option requires the name of an internal variable. The variable name is followed by a real number for the initial value to be applied, or by the keyword function and a function specification. The variable name can also be followed by either a character name for a binary data file, or the keyword ascii_file followed by a character name for an ascii data file. Finally, it is also possible to initialize with a script, introduced by the z7p keyword.

Data files must furnish values for all the integration points stored as float variables in ascii or binary format. Ascii data files may also contain comments. Functions may only depend on coordinates x, y and z of the integration points. Any coordinate present in the function, but not at the integration point (typically a function depending on z for a two-dimensional mesh, as in the example below), will have a value of zero, so care should be taken in those cases.

The syntax is summarized below:

*var_mat_ini  variable_name  variable_value *var_mat_ini  variable_name  function  function ; *var_mat_ini  variable_name  [ ascii_file ]  file_name *var_mat_ini  variable_name  z7p  script_name


Some syntax examples follow:

  *var_mat_ini epcum .015

    porosity    0.1
    grain_size  0.001
    epcum       epcum.dat

    porosity    function    x*x+(y-2.)-2000.*cos(z);

    grain_size  ascii_file  grain_size_distribution.dat

% from $Z7TEST/Program_test/Material_test/INP/bending.inp
  *var_mat_ini  eel11 z7p eel11-SC.z7p