

This command is used to set-up, directly in the input file, non-default values for Z-set global parameters. Those parameters are used quite extensively in the code, and provide a means to customize various software operations. Alternatively, global parameters values may be defined:

  • by passing values after the -s switch at the command line level:

    $ Zrun -s name  value ...

    where name is the name of the global parameter and value the value specified by the user for the current run of Z-set.

  • by adding definitions in the zsetrc file, as described in the "Adjustable parameters" section of the "Getting started & Zmaster" manual ($ Zman intro).

Note that all available global parameters and their current values are given as output by the -H switch:

$ Zrun -H
 Known global parameters:
   Base.ClockFormat                        direct
   Base.EnableMsgFile                      1
   Base.MessageSuffix                      .msg

and that contents of the zsetrc file can be managed interactively by the Zmaster "zsetrc Editor" menu item.


Switch to Z8 output format for the current calculation:

   Solver.OutputFormat Z8
   Zmaster.OutputFormat Z8