**process derive
This post calculation computes the derivative of some fields with respect to a variable (time or another variable). It is computed using a first order formula:
\dot{f}(t_i) &= \frac{f(t_i) - f(t_{i-1})}{t_i - t_{i-1}} \qquad \text{if the field is derived wrt. time}\\
\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}(t_i) &= \frac{f(t_i) - f(t_{i-1})}{x(t_i) - x(t_{i-1})} \qquad \text{if the field is derived wrt. another variable}\end{aligned}\end{split}\]
**process derive
\(~\,\) *list_var
names base
names is the list of variables to derive with respect to base.
The following example computes the velocity in each direction. It will
generate the fields D_time_U1
, D_time_U2
and D_time_U3
**file node
**nset ALL_NODE
**process derive
*list_var U1 U2 U3 time
**file integ
**process derive
*list_var eto11 time