

This command is used to compute the two levelsets describing a planar semi-circular crack. The first levelset \(\Phi\) implicitly describes the crack plane as the surface where \(\Phi=0\) whereas the second levelset \(\Psi\) implicitly describes a cylinder as the surface where \(\Psi=0\) whose intersection with the plane forms the crack.

So the crack location is defined by:

\[\begin{split}\left\{ \begin{matrix} \Phi=0 \\ \Psi<0 \\ \end{matrix} \right.\end{split}\]

This mesher command computes the nodal values of these two levelsets, and stores the result in two files named phi.dat and psi.dat. These two files can then be used in an XFEM analysis.


The command has the following syntax:

**phi_psi_no_refine \(~\,\) *center (center) \(~\,\) *normal (normal) \(~\,\) *rho rho \(~\,\) *vtk_output output


defines the crack center


is the plane normal vector


is the crack radius


if present, allows to export the computed levelsets into two vtk legacy files for debugging purposes using Paraview