

This command is used to activate the graphical front end to Zebulon, including the new Pre/Post processor. It can be used to visualize either mesh files or results files.


The command can be launched using just the problem name, or with a file extension. Some examples follow.

  • Zebulon

    % Zmaster problem \(\hookleftarrow\) % Zmaster problem.mast \(\hookleftarrow\) % Zmaster problem.geof \(\hookleftarrow\) % Zmaster problem.zres \(\hookleftarrow\)

    .zres files uses Z8 format which allows to read results for which mesh changes from one map to another.


    % Zmaster problem.rst \(\hookleftarrow\)


    % Zmaster problem.fil \(\hookleftarrow\)

    .fil is a results abaqus file.

    Typically, the mesh is included in the input file with the .inp extension. However, since this extension is already used for the Zebulon format, you should change the extension to .abaqus to visualize the Abaqus mesh with Zmaster.

    % Zmaster problem.abaqus \(\hookleftarrow\)

    Zodb is used to visualize odb results files.

    % Zodb problem.odb \(\hookleftarrow\)


    % Zmaster problem.u18 \(\hookleftarrow\) % Zmaster problem.sdb \(\hookleftarrow\)


    % Zmaster problem.may \(\hookleftarrow\) % Zmaster problem.fg2 \(\hookleftarrow\) % Zmaster problem.fg3 \(\hookleftarrow\) % Zmaster problem.in3 \(\hookleftarrow\) % Zmaster problem.th3 \(\hookleftarrow\)

  • ADVENTURECluster

    % Zmaster problem.adv \(\hookleftarrow\)

  • MeshGems (Spatial Corp)

    % Zmaster mesh_file.mesh \(\hookleftarrow\) % Zmaster mesh_file.sol \(\hookleftarrow\)

  • gmsh

    % Zmaster problem.msh \(\hookleftarrow\)

    Only MeshFormat=2 is supported


    % Zmaster problem.t \(\hookleftarrow\) % Zmaster problem.mtc \(\hookleftarrow\)


    % Zmaster problem.gfm \(\hookleftarrow\)


For some external mesh formats, a preliminary conversion to the Z-set format is required (see import mesh). For instance, to visualize Code_Aster .med file, we can import and export it to Z-set format using the following commands:

% file import.inp, to be run using Zrun -m import.inp
 ***mesh cube.geo        % output Z-set format
  **import med

Linux command line options#

On Linux the Zmaster command is a script wrapping a basic Zrun execution with the switch -G activated, and the environment variables XENVIRONMENT and LD_LIBRARY_PATH set correctly for the Motif interface. The command therefore accepts all options for Zrun, plus the following:




run in batch mode


assume LS-Dyna results file format. Usually those files do not have suffixes to predict the format from.


run debug version


native input format


native output format


use the WxWindows (with X11) interface


use the WxWindows (with OpenGL) interface


print help

Running in batch mode will save the mesh generated after all geometry and batch meshing operations have been performed.


A complete manual of Zmaster operation is given in a later chapter. The use should be relatively straightforward. There are some points which differ from the older utilities however. Some of these are:

  • Use ctrl-left mouse button drags to displace the view, and ctrl-middle mouse to zoom. The view is controlled using the trackball on the toolbar window.

  • Shift click on something to get info (points, lines, nodes, etc).

  • Select an object by clicking on it and use alt-m to get a modify dialog.

  • When creating a domain, click the edges in order (no more click, mid-click, click, mid-click). Be careful there are not two lines in the same place.. when highlighted the line should be red.

  • Using the “save” (alt-s) option will save the .geof and .mast files. Be careful to not overwrite your work as there are not many verifications yet.

  • to re-edit a geometry open with the .mast extension.

  • If you get “unattached nodes” increase the mesh dimension. This bug has been fixed in newer versions.