This boundary condition apply load forces on boundary sets (lines, surfaces). If a force \(F_{ext}\) is applied, the following reaction force \(F_i\) will be applied on each node \(i\):
where \(A\) is the surface or the length of the boundary set and \(N_i\) is the corresponding shape function.
\(~\,~\,\) bset_name (dir) [exp
] value table_name
- bset_name
This is the name of a valid boundary set (bset) on which the surface load is applied.
- dir
is the force direction.
is an optional keyword to indicate the boundary condition will expire.
- value
This real value acts as a multiplier on the current applied load table value. If the value is zero, no table will be required.
- table_name
A character name for the loading table which describes the DOF value in time. A corresponding table must therefore be given elsewhere (see the procedure
bottom U2 0.
1 U1 0.
**surface_load top (0. 1.) 1000. time
If this boundary condition is applied to a quadratic c2d8 element, the vertex nodes will each take one-sixth of the applied force, while the middle node will take two-thirds.