This mesher is a modification of the **extension
mesher in order to allow an extension path to be defined with a set of nodal points.
This command accepts the same commands as the **extension
command (see extension) and two additional commands related to the path:
\(~\,\) *nset_to_follow
\(~\,\) *global_normal
\(~\,\) [ standard extension options ]
Note that many of the commands from extension, though available, are ignored for this mesher because of the pre-defined path (such as num, direction, etc).
Input a vector allowing the initial face plane to be calculated. The tangent vector of the path is calculated based on linear segments from and to adjacent nodes.
Enter an existing nset path for the mesh extension to take place.
The following example shows extension along an nset, using a curve generated in Zmaster and meshed using line l3d2
line elements (under Ruled mesh). A boundary set called lines
was also created in Zmaster which creates the nset along which the extension will take place.
***mesh extension_nset_linear
**open curve_linear.geof
*add zzz.geof
*elset zzz
*tolerance 0.
*nset_to_follow lines
*global_normal (1. 0. 1.)
*elset zzz
**delete_elset lines